InterDigitalInc / CompressAI

A PyTorch library and evaluation platform for end-to-end compression research
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How can I understand imposing an absolute value and a negative sign on a random variable before calculating the likelihood? Thank you very much for your answer! ! ! #260

Open zhengxinChenee opened 10 months ago

zhengxinChenee commented 10 months ago

As stated, we can calculate the likelihood probability of the quantized latent variable by CDF((values + half)/ scales) - CDF((values - half)/ scales), but in CompressAI, the absolute value and negative sign are applied to the quantized latent variable before using cdf to calculate the likelihood probability, i.e.,

values = torch.abs(values) upper = self._standardized_cumulative((half - values) / scales) lower = self._standardized_cumulative((-half - values) / scales) likelihood = upper - lower

How to understand the different implementation of CompressAI?

YodaEmbedding commented 10 months ago

Proof by symmetry


def _standardized_cumulative(x):
    return 0.5 * torch.erfc(-x / sqrt(2))



_standardized_cumulative has various symmetries. Notably:

_standardized_cumulative(x) == 1 - _standardized_cumulative(-x)


  == _standardized_cumulative((0.5 - samples) / scale)
  == 1 - _standardized_cumulative((samples - 0.5) / scale)

  == _standardized_cumulative((-0.5 - samples) / scale)
  == 1 - _standardized_cumulative((samples + 0.5) / scale)

upper - lower
  == _standardized_cumulative((samples + 0.5) / scale) - _standardized_cumulative((samples - 0.5) / scale)

This is the correct result.

The same proof holds for _logits_cumulative, by the way.

That said, it looks like the names are actually backwards, which makes it a bit confusing. (i.e., upper and lower should be swapped.) Maybe some renaming and comments are needed. I already fixed _logits_cumulative or sigmoid earlier, since sigmoid said something similar concerning symmetries.

EDIT: Actually, that proof was irrelevant, since...

The names are not backwards, since:

        multiplier = -self._standardized_quantile(self.tail_mass / 2)
        pmf_center = torch.ceil(self.scale_table * multiplier).int()
        samples = torch.abs(
            torch.arange(max_length, device=device).int() - pmf_center[:, None]
        assert self.tail_mass < 0.5   # Usually 1e-9
        assert self.multiplier > 0    # Usually 21.7 or something like that
        assert (self.scale_table > 0).all()
        assert (self.pmf_center > 0).all()

And so, samples is essentially "reversed". Thus,

  == _standardized_cumulative((0.5 - samples) / scale)
  == _standardized_cumulative((0.5 + unreversed_samples) / scale)

  == _standardized_cumulative((-0.5 - samples) / scale)
  == _standardized_cumulative((-0.5 + unreversed_samples) / scale)

That also matches our expectations for what upper and lower are.

Still, a bit tricky to prove inside one's head. Perhaps it should be rewritten so that -samples → samples for clarity.