InterDigitalInc / CompressAI

A PyTorch library and evaluation platform for end-to-end compression research
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predicted bpp is Nan when training #92

Closed binzzheng closed 3 years ago

binzzheng commented 3 years ago


Hello, I built a video compressor with Compressai. Based on a simple hybrid coding framework, the video compressor uses hyper-prior entropy model to compress motion and residuals separately. But when training, there will always be cases where the predicted bpp is nan randomly.



Expected behavior

The hyper-prior entropy model will not predict bpp as nan during training.


- PyTorch Version: 1.7.1
- CompressAI Version: 1.1.6
- OS: Ubuntu18.04
- Python version: 3.6.2
- CUDA/cuDNN version: 11.0 / 8005

Additional context

I don't know why it will appear, and can't predict when it will appear. If I load a normal checkpoint and resume training again, it may not appear. If I finish the whole training process intermittently, the entropy model can also run normally. Could you please provide me with some help?

fracape commented 3 years ago

Hi. The warning mentions the input tensor. Could it be corrupt input data with your training? Not easy to help without information on input motion, residuals and training data.

binzzheng commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer. I would try my best to describe some information, but I don't know if it is useful. #About training data I used two consecutive frames in the video sequence as training data. It is simply processed before input, including normalization, random cropping, and random flipping. There should be no problem at this step.

def __getitem__(self, index):
        input_image = imageio.imread(self.image_input_list[index])
        ref_image = imageio.imread(self.image_ref_list[index])

        input_image = input_image.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
        ref_image = ref_image.astype(np.float32) / 255.0

        input_image = input_image.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        ref_image = ref_image.transpose(2, 0, 1)

        input_image = torch.from_numpy(input_image).float()
        ref_image = torch.from_numpy(ref_image).float()

        input_image, ref_image = random_crop_and_pad_image_and_labels(input_image, ref_image, [self.im_height, self.im_width])
        input_image, ref_image = random_flip(input_image, ref_image)

        return input_image, ref_image

#About input motion and residuals The entropy model I use comes from EntropyBottleneck and GaussianConditional in Compressai. Other networks, such as self.opticFlow and sel.mvEncoder, are CNNs with different structures. During training, I used likelihoods from EntropyBottleneck to calculate the predicted bpp. Combine the output bpp and _mseloss to train the entire video compression system. If any data is damaged, I think it may be in the process of calculating optical flow, such as self.opticFlow or self.motioncompensation.

def forward(self, input_image, referframe):
        estmv = self.opticFlow(input_image, referframe)
        mv_fea = self.mvEncoder(estmv)
        mv_prior = self.mvpriorEncoder(mv_fea)
        quant_mvprior, mvprior_likelihoods = self.entropy_hyper_mv(mv_prior)
        recon_mv_sigma = self.mvpriorDecoder(quant_mvprior)

        quant_mv = self.entropy_bottleneck_mv.quantize(mv_fea, "noise" if else "dequantize")
        _, mv_likelihoods  = self.entropy_bottleneck_mv(mv_fea, recon_mv_sigma)
        recon_mv = self.mvDecoder(quant_mv)

        prediction, warpframe = self.motioncompensation(referframe, recon_mv)
        res = input_image - prediction
        res_fea = self.resEncoder(res)
        res_prior = self.respriorEncoder(res_fea)
        quant_resprior, resprior_likelihoods = self.entropy_hyper_res(res_prior)
        recon_res_sigma = self.respriorDecoder(quant_resprior)

        quant_res = self.entropy_bottleneck_res.quantize(res_fea, "noise" if else "dequantize")
        _, res_likelihoods = self.entropy_bottleneck_res(res_fea, recon_res_sigma)

        recon_res = self.resDecoder(quant_res)
        recon_image = prediction + recon_res
        clipped_recon_image = recon_image.clamp(0. ,1.)

        mse_loss = torch.mean((recon_image - input_image).pow(2))
        warploss = torch.mean((warpframe - input_image).pow(2))
        interloss = torch.mean((prediction - input_image).pow(2))

        im_shape = input_image.size()
        batch_size = res_fea.size()[0]
        bpp_mv = torch.log(mv_likelihoods).sum() / (-math.log(2) * batch_size * im_shape[2] * im_shape[3])
        bpp_mvprior = torch.log(mvprior_likelihoods).sum() / (-math.log(2) * batch_size * im_shape[2] * im_shape[3])
        bpp_res = torch.log(res_likelihoods).sum() / (-math.log(2) * batch_size * im_shape[2] * im_shape[3])
        bpp_resprior = torch.log(resprior_likelihoods).sum() / (-math.log(2) * batch_size * im_shape[2] * im_shape[3])
        bpp = bpp_mv + bpp_mvprior + bpp_res + bpp_resprior

        return clipped_recon_image, mse_loss, warploss, interloss, bpp

#About training I am not sure if I corrupted the original data during this training process. Var() just puts the data into cuda.

for batch_idx, input in enumerate(train_loader):
        global_step += 1
        bat_cnt += 1
        input_image, ref_image = Var(input[0]), Var(input[1])
        clipped_recon_image, mse_loss, warploss, interloss, bpp = net(input_image, ref_image)

        mse_loss, warploss, interloss, bpp = torch.mean(mse_loss), torch.mean(warploss), torch.mean(interloss), torch.mean(bpp)
        distribution_loss = bpp
        distortion = mse_loss + warp_weight * (warploss + interloss)
        rd_loss = train_lambda * distortion + distribution_loss
        def clip_gradient(optimizer, grad_clip):
                for group in optimizer.param_groups:
                        for param in group["params"]:
                                if param.grad is not None:
                              , grad_clip)
        clip_gradient(optimizer, 0.5)

        aux_loss = net.aux_loss()

#Additional information From my training experience, when I deepen the network depth of self.mvEndoer, self.mvDecoder, self.resEncoder, and self.resDecoder, the probability of errors will greatly increase.

fracape commented 3 years ago

Your last comment makes sense and is a good indication. I guess you can spot when the warnings happen first by printing more info and keeping the model as small and simple as possible. There seems to be 3 warnings at each problematic iteration.

binzzheng commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your advice! I will try to print more error information. If there are any new discoveries, I will update here. Thank you again!

binzzheng commented 3 years ago

#Traning data The whole model was trained correctly for a complete epoch. So I think there should be no problem with the training data.

#When the warnings happen first When bpp appears as nan, I print out some variable values at this time. estmv is completely correct. In _mvfea, part of it is nan and part of it is the correct value. Obviously, _mvfea also caused the _mvprior part to be nan. So nan may be caused in the process of passing through self.mvEncoder?

def forward(self, input_image, referframe):
        estmv = self.opticFlow(input_image, referframe)
        mv_fea = self.mvEncoder(estmv)
        mv_prior = self.mvpriorEncoder(mv_fea)
        quant_mvprior, mvprior_likelihoods = self.entropy_hyper_mv(mv_prior)
        recon_mv_sigma = self.mvpriorDecoder(quant_mvprior)
        quant_mv = self.entropy_bottleneck_mv.quantize(mv_fea, "noise" if else "dequantize")
        _, mv_likelihoods  = self.entropy_bottleneck_mv(mv_fea, recon_mv_sigma)
        recon_mv = self.mvDecoder(quant_mv)
        prediction, warpframe = self.motioncompensation(referframe, recon_mv)

ResidualBlockWithStride and ResidualBlock are from Compressai. The structure of my self.mvEncoder is as follows:

class mvAnalysis(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
                super(mvAnalysis, self).__init__()
                self.RB1 = ResidualBlockWithStride(2, out_channel, stride=2)
                self.RB2 = ResidualBlock(out_channel, out_channel)
                self.RB3 = ResidualBlockWithStride(out_channel, out_channel, stride=2)
                self.RB4 = ResidualBlock(out_channel, out_channel)
                self.RB5 = ResidualBlockWithStride(out_channel, out_channel, stride=2)
                self.conv = conv3x3(out_channel, out_channel, stride=2)

        def forward(self, x):
                x = self.RB1(x)
                x = self.RB2(x)
                x = self.RB3(x)
                x = self.RB4(x)
                x = self.RB5(x)
                out = self.conv(x)
                return out

#Additional information During training, _rdloss and _auxloss are iterated with two optimizers. Usually, I set the learning rate of optimizer (for _rdloss) and _auxoptimizer (for _auxloss) to 0.0001 and 0.001, respectively.

In an experiment, while keeping the learning rate of _auxoptimizer at 0.001, I set the learning rate of optimizer to 0. Even so, nan still happened. I don’t know if my training settings are wrong.

        distribution_loss = bpp
        distortion = mse_loss + warp_weight * (warploss + interloss)
        rd_loss = train_lambda * distortion + distribution_loss
        def clip_gradient(optimizer, grad_clip):
                for group in optimizer.param_groups:
                        for param in group["params"]:
                                if param.grad is not None:
                              , grad_clip)
        clip_gradient(optimizer, 0.5)

        aux_loss = net.aux_loss()
fracape commented 3 years ago

Not sure it's related, but have you tried disabling clip_gradient? Or just used torch.nn.utils.clip_gradnorm ?

binzzheng commented 3 years ago

Hello, when I disable gradient clipping, there will still be cases where the bpp prediction is wrong. When I used _torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm__ as an alternative, the situation got better. Now, I reduced the learning rate and adopted _torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm__, and the training is temporarily working normally. I think it may be a gradient explosion that caused the tensor to be nan? The previous gradient clipping may not be able to deal with gradient explosion well? Anyway, thanks for your help! I think CompressAI can work well without problems.

fracape commented 3 years ago

ok thanks for the feedback. Going to close this, since it relates to a side use case and does not break for image compression. Feel free to post in the section discussions to get additional help from other users.