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Add a servername parameter for the identity of nnrpd and inews #244

Open Julien-Elie opened 1 year ago

Julien-Elie commented 1 year ago

We should disambiguate the use of domain, keeping it only for what is related to DNS.

For the next major release, a new servername parameter should be added in inn.conf, to be used for inews and nnrpd identities instead of domain. Its value can be overriden in readers.conf.

The default value would be the one from pathhost in inn.conf; they are distinct settings since there are cases where you may want them to be different. This way, pathhost is the identity of innd, and servername the identity of inews (for Message-IDs) and nnrpd (for Message-IDs, Injection-Info and the newsmaster e-mail in HELP).

The new setting should have the same interaction with virtualhost that domain does with Xref and Path.

Its syntax should be checked like domain.

The documentation and the FAQ should be updated accordingly.

innupgrade should take care of the renaming in readers.conf.

Julien-Elie commented 1 year ago

There's also the use of domain as fromhost to disambiguate. Let's begin by it in a first commit.