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Fix the overall behaviour of INN when posting in a full newsgroup #251

Closed Julien-Elie closed 1 year ago

Julien-Elie commented 1 year ago

With tradindexed, posting an article in a newsgroup with already 2^31-1 articles leads to the following error:

Jan 5 21:11:29 news innd[298375]: tradindexed: cannot write index record for 18446744071562067968 in /home/news/spool/overview/t/t/m/c/trigofacile.test.maxartnum.cnfs.IDX: Argument invalide

Article number seems to have wrapped to -1, and converted to 18446744071562067968 (unsigned) in the log.

Article 2147483648 has been written to disk, though. And the active file also updated with that 2147483648 number.

22:31 news@trigo ~/spool/articles/trigofacile/test/maxartnum% ls
-rw-rw-r-- 1 news news 1,1K  5 janv. 21:04 2147483647
-rw-rw-r-- 1 news news 1,2K  5 janv. 21:12 2147483648

This should be fixed somehow. Perhaps by preventing the post earlier in the process, so that not to have to add a control in each overview method, and retest how they all behave.