InterNetX / domainrobot-api

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openapi generator is failing #17

Open dpalic opened 1 year ago

dpalic commented 1 year ago

using this definition


and openapi generator via maven

            <!-- -->

results into

domainrobot.json [0:0]: unexpected error in Open-API generation
org.openapitools.codegen.SpecValidationException: There were issues with the specification. The option can be disabled via validateSpec (Maven/Gradle) or --skip-validate-spec (CLI).
 | Error count: 8, Warning count: 2
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/clientAccount/{label}/clientCustomer'. Declared path parameter label needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/zone/_domainSafe'(put).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/zone/_domainSafe'(delete).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/domain/_domainSafe'(delete).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/zone/{name}/{systemNameServer}/zoneQuery/_search'. Declared path parameter name needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level
    -attribute paths.'/zone/{name}/{systemNameServer}/zoneQuery/_search'. Declared path parameter systemNameServer needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/domain/_domainSafe'(put).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/object/_assignment'(put).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/clientAccount/{label}/clientCustomer'. Declared path parameter label needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/zone/_domainSafe'(put).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/zone/_domainSafe'(delete).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/domain/_domainSafe'(delete).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/zone/{name}/{systemNameServer}/zoneQuery/_search'. Declared path parameter name needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level
    -attribute paths.'/zone/{name}/{systemNameServer}/zoneQuery/_search'. Declared path parameter systemNameServer needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level
    -attribute paths.'/bulk/domain/_domainSafe'(put).operationId is repeated
    -attribute paths.'/object/_assignment'(put).operationId is repeated


<skipValidateSpec>true</skipValidateSpec> it is generating but still leaving the feeling that api client will sooner or later fail on the above named issues. Can someone clarify or even fix the openapi definition?

Ephenodrom commented 1 year ago

@dpalic Thank you for the issue! I raised an issue internally and we will try to fix this. This will take a while, but will leave this issue open until the problem is solved. I keep you updated.

Is there any reason your a not using our Java SDK ?

sdsys-ch commented 1 year ago

Is there any timeframe in this regard? The OpenAPI spec doesn't validate as is. I'm not using openapitools / java but posted here since my issue (generating for golang) is closely related. Thanks.