If we hardcode the workspace name into the Sensing agent we will not be able to move the agent without recompiling. This could be fixed by having a fixed endpoint on the sensing agent through which their belief could be updated. This would be done through a Room Manager that has a mapping of each Agent and his room. Adjusting the room in the Room manager will trigger the room manager to update the sensing agent through the dedicated endpoint once he becomes available again.
This again will trigger the embedded agent to leave his current workspace and join the new one as well as changing within the OrgManager
If we hardcode the workspace name into the Sensing agent we will not be able to move the agent without recompiling. This could be fixed by having a fixed endpoint on the sensing agent through which their belief could be updated. This would be done through a Room Manager that has a mapping of each Agent and his room. Adjusting the room in the Room manager will trigger the room manager to update the sensing agent through the dedicated endpoint once he becomes available again. This again will trigger the embedded agent to leave his current workspace and join the new one as well as changing within the OrgManager