Purpose: Help student plan for and execute a successful project
Outcome: Develop an outline to guide the development of the manuscript
Entire outline fits on one page (10 pts). If you choose to include sketches of the figures, these can go on a second page.
Introduction has 3+ bullets of background, appropriately summarizing the field (20 pts). Here scientific claims should be referenced with appropriate literature citations.
Introduction has 1+ bullet of the set up, showing what needs to be done (10 pts)
Introduction has 1+ bullet stating how you will address the unmet needs (10 pts)
Methods has 1+ bullet for data present in the project (10 pts)
Methods has 2+ bullets for analysis methods you will use on the data (10 pts)
Results has 3+ bullet representing the main sub-sections of the results (20pts)
Results has 3+ bullets describing expected figures in the manuscript (20 pts)
Group assignment, one person submits (PDF) on behalf of the whole group.
The outline should highlight which parts of the manuscript have been delegated to specific individuals.
Due Feb 5th
Purpose: Help student plan for and execute a successful project Outcome: Develop an outline to guide the development of the manuscript
The outline should highlight which parts of the manuscript have been delegated to specific individuals.