InteractiveAdvertisingBureau / Global-Privacy-Platform

IAB Tech Lab Global Privacy Platform specification
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Stub example incorrect #87

Open janwinkler opened 1 year ago

janwinkler commented 1 year ago

The stub example is incorrect (the function __gpp_stub still returns the values instead of calling the callback).

Corrected function:

window.__gpp_stub       = function ()
   var b       = arguments;
   __gpp.queue = __gpp.queue || [];
   if (!b.length)
   { return __gpp.queue; }
   var cmd = b[0];
   var clb = b.length > 1 ? b[1] : null;
   var par = b.length > 2 ? b[2] : null;
   var result = null;
   if (cmd === 'ping')
    result = {
     gppVersion:         '1.1', // must be “Version.Subversion”, current: “1.1”
     cmpStatus:          'stub', // possible values: stub, loading, loaded, error
     cmpDisplayStatus:   'hidden', // possible values: hidden, visible, disabled
     supportedAPIs:      ['2:tcfeuv2', '5:tcfcav1', '6:uspv1'], // list of supported APIs
     signalStatus : 'not ready',
     cmpId:              31, // IAB assigned CMP ID, may be 0 during stub/loading
     sectionList:        [],
     applicableSections: [-1], //or 0 or ID set by publisher
     gppString:          ''
   else if (cmd === 'addEventListener')
   { = || [];
    if (!('lastId' in __gpp))
    { __gpp.lastId = 0; }
    var lnr = __gpp.lastId;{
                       'id':        lnr,
                       'callback':  clb,
                       'parameter': par
    result = {
     eventName:  'listenerRegistered',
     listenerId: lnr, // Registered ID of the listener
     data:       true, // positive signal
     pingData:   {
      gppVersion:         '1.1',
      cmpStatus:          'stub',
     signalStatus : 'not ready',
      cmpDisplayStatus:   'hidden',
      supportedAPIs:      ['2:tcfeuv2', '5:tcfcav1', '9:usva', '7:usnat'],
      cmpId:              31,
      sectionList:        [],
      applicableSections: [-1], //or 0 or ID set by publisher
      gppString:          ''
   else if (cmd === 'removeEventListener')
    var success  = false; = || [];
    for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
     if ([i].id == par)
     {[i].splice(i, 1);
      success = true;
    result = {
     eventName:  'listenerRemoved',
     listenerId: par, // Registered ID of the listener
     data:       success, // status info
     pingData:   {
      gppVersion:         '1.1',
      cmpStatus:          'stub',
     signalStatus : 'not ready',
      cmpDisplayStatus:   'hidden',
      supportedAPIs:      ['2:tcfeuv2', '5:tcfcav1', '9:usva', '7:usnat'],
      cmpId:              31,
      sectionList:        [],
      applicableSections: [-1], //or 0 or ID set by publisher
      gppString:          ''
   //queue all other commands

   if(result !== null && typeof(clb) === 'function')
    clb(result, true);
jaredmoscow commented 1 year ago

@janwinkler do you mind opening a PR to correct this?