InteractiveAdvertisingBureau / Global-Privacy-Platform

IAB Tech Lab Global Privacy Platform specification
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Prefer "No Consent"/"Consent" to "Opted Out"/"Did Not Opt Out"? #95

Open matt-martin opened 1 year ago

matt-martin commented 1 year ago

In the specification, some fields define choices as:

0 Not Applicable

1 Opted Out

2 Did Not Opt Out

And in other places, the choices are defined as:

0 Not Applicable

1 No Consent

2 Consent 

The descriptions, "Opted Out" and "Did Not Opt Out", seem to make unnecessary assumptions about how the user expressed their consent or lack thereof (i.e. it seems to assume that the users are opted in by default and must explicitly opt out). This can get a bit confusing if another state passes a law in the future where this field is also applicable but all users are set to "No Consent" by default. Somebody casually reading through the spec may not realize that "Opted Out" is actually equivalent to "No Consent". I may be splitting hairs here, but it seems like it would be more consistent and less error prone to always refer to "Consent"/"No Consent".