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IAB Category Taxonomies and Mappings #33

Open dkhalili opened 5 months ago

dkhalili commented 5 months ago

In the mapping Content 2.0 to Content 2.1.tsv it seems like the values are Content 1.0 mapping to 2.2. Can we please confirm this and reflect changes? Additionally we have seen a few misspelled categories in the content taxonomies themselves, if there is a way to properly check and confirm all the texts. Example: Content Taxonomy 1.0.tsv

IAB2-15 | Tier 2 | Mororcycles

lwcorp commented 2 months ago
In addition, could you please add Content 1.0 mapping to 3.0? v3.0 has categories that didn't exist even in v2.2, like JLBCU7. Then there are mapped categories that were removed in 3.0 and no current way to know that (382-385 & 379): New Taxonomy ID OLD RTB ID OLD SUBJECT (v1) New subject (v2)
382 IAB12-1 International News International News
384 IAB12-3 Local News Local News
385 IAB12-2 National News National News
379 IAB11 Law, Govt and Pol. News and Politics
379 IAB12 News News and Politics
Not only do none of these exist in 3.0 but 3.0 doesn't even have any News in general, so I guess they should all be under NOT MAPPED (deprecated in v3), meaning: NOT MAPPED (deprecated in v3)
International News IAB12-1
Local News IAB12-3
National News IAB12-2
Law, Govt and Pol. IAB11
News IAB12
Although maybe consider mapping them to 386 - Politics as it seems the closest match, meaning: New Taxonomy ID OLD RTB ID OLD SUBJECT (v1) New subject (v2)
386 IAB12-1 International News Politics
386 IAB12-3 Local News Politics
386 IAB12-2 National News Politics
386 IAB11 Law, Govt and Pol. Politics
386 IAB12 News Politics