InteractiveAdvertisingBureau / openrtb

Open RTB is a protocol for real time bidding on digital media
395 stars 183 forks source link

open rtb3.0 sample static request in JSON format #18

Closed Karthick-Arumugam closed 2 years ago

Karthick-Arumugam commented 5 years ago

Hi, Find out the below static JSON format of open rtb 3.0 request for reference.Please check and conform back., Request JSON Start { "openrtb": { "ver": "3.0", "domainspec": "adcom", "domainver": "1.0", "request": { "id": "0123456789ABCDEF", "tmax": 150, "at": 2, "cur": [ "USD", "EUR" ], "source": { "tid": "FEDCBA9876543210", "ts": 1541796182157, "ds": "AE23865DF890100BECCD76579DD4769DBBA9812CEE8ED90BF", "dsmap": "...", "cert": "ads-cert.1.txt", "pchain": "..." }, "package": 0, "item": [ { "id": "1", "qty": 1, "flr": 0.03, "private": 0, "deal": [ { "id": "1234", "flr": 1.50 } ], "spec": { "placement": {
"tagid": "plc-ftr-123abc", "secure": 1, "display": { "bannerformat": [ { "w": 728, "h": 90, "pos": 1, "btype": [4], "battr": [14] } ], "event": [ { "type": 1, "method": [ 1 ] } ] }
} } } ], "context": { "site": { "id": "102855", "name": "Example Site Name", "domain": "", "cat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ], "sectioncat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ], "pagecat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ], "page": ";cre=mu;target=_blank", "ref" : "http://refer+url", "amp" : "0", "keywords" : "sports,education,business", "publisher": { "id": "qqwer1234xgfd", "name": "site_name", "domain": "" } }, "app": { "domain": "", "cat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ], "sectioncat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ], "pagecat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ], "keywords" : "sports,education,business" },

        "user": {  
                    "buyeruid" : "89776897686798fwe87rtryt8976fsd7869678",
                    "id": "55816b39711f9b5acf3b90e313ed29e51665623f",
                    "gender": "M",
                    "yob": 1975,
                    "keywords": "sports,education,business",
                    "data": {
                        "name":"Example data Name",
                                            "name":"Example segment Name",

        "device": {  
                    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.13  (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2",
                    "ip": "",
                    "ipv6": "FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329",
                    "devicetype": "",
                    "make": "Apple",
                    "model": "iphone",
                    "os": "iOS",
                    "language": "",
                    "carrier": "VERIZON",
                        "geo": {
                                "lat": 37.789,
                                "lon": -122.394,
                                "country": "USA",
                                "city": "San Francisco",
                                "region": "CA",
                                "zip" : "94105",
                                "metro": "",
                                "type": 2

        "regs": {
                    "gdpr": 0,
                    "coppa": 0
        "restrictions": {
                    "bcat": [ "IAB24", "IAB25", "IAB26" ],
                    "cattax": 1,
                    "badv": [ "", "" ]

} } } Request JSON End

wittjill commented 2 years ago

Closing since no activity since 2019