InteractiveFaultLocalization / iFL4Eclipse

iFL for Eclipse is an Eclipse plug-in for supporting interactive fault localization for Java projects developed in this environment.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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In case of long string icon of contains and not contains will disapper from the rule's widget #215

Open brita-sed opened 3 years ago

brita-sed commented 3 years ago



  1. Select a project.
  2. Click iFL button.
  3. Load scores.
  4. Click "Show filters" button.
  5. "Add rule" button.
  6. Add a string type rule, e.g. Name with a long string and with a sort string, normal and negated.

Expected results

Received results



Dhorvath1294 commented 3 years ago

A CLabel is used to support the display of the icon next to the text. Unfortunately, CLabel has it's own way to handle the display of it's contents when there is not enough space. From the documentation of CLabel:

"If there is not enough space a CLabel uses the following strategy to fit the information into the available space: