Actually there is just one preset in the system. It will be a good idea to give the chance to the user to create his/her own presets and modify it. Presets are rules basically, so when the user clicks on "Modify preset" or "Add new preset" button, the Add rule window should apper. In this popup window there should be a Description field to add description to new presets.
"Modify preset" button should be inactive when there is no preset selected.
Actually there is just one preset in the system. It will be a good idea to give the chance to the user to create his/her own presets and modify it. Presets are rules basically, so when the user clicks on "Modify preset" or "Add new preset" button, the Add rule window should apper. In this popup window there should be a Description field to add description to new presets. "Modify preset" button should be inactive when there is no preset selected.