InteractiveMechanics / nmai-nk360-interactives

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[1] Mobile: Card title overlaps body text #679

Closed amberreeves closed 6 years ago

amberreeves commented 6 years ago

on the full timeline view, a long title on a content card will overlap the body text on mobile

Upon completing the timeline puzzle and viewing the timeline, tapping on the picture bubbles can bring up informational card overlays where the title text overlaps the body text if the title is long enough.

To recreate: 1 Launch the Fish Wars timelines page 2 Start the timeline “Time Immemorial to 1974” 3 Complete the puzzle 4 Select “Explore Timeline” 5 Navigate to, then tap, the picture bubble over 1970 (with the US seal) 6 Vertically scroll the body text of the card overlay.

timeline screenshots 171201

cahdeemer commented 6 years ago

flexbug on mobile Safari. Added flex: 1 0 auto; to .modal-header on media query for mobile portrait screens.