InteractiveMechanics / nmai-nk360-interactives

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[x] Tracking files/content changes #720

Closed mtedeschi closed 6 years ago

mtedeschi commented 6 years ago

From Laurie: Every time we get the files back, we have to re-edit the text changes. That means we have had to keep detailed notes of all the requested text changes. It would be so helpful to know if there is some way that the text changes can be saved and reused?

From Mike: This is where tracking changes to the codebase on GitHub becomes important—this is the most efficient way for us to all work from the same place and ensure we avoid conflicts. We would highly recommend submitting text changes to the GitHub repository following these instructions so we can include them in future deliveries (this is a useful article on using Git properly from the commandline with branches):

  1. Clone the git repository using Git in the terminal, or a Git client (like GitHub for Windows or Mac).
  2. In the Git repository, you'll start off on the master branch. To ensure there are not merge conflicts when the text changes are added, we'll need to create a new branch. Use git checkout -b nmai-text-changes master. This will create a new branch off of master called "nmai-text-changes".
  3. Make your text changes to the codebase. When you're done, commit your changes using git commit -am "some sample message here".
  4. Make sure you have the latest from master but running git pull origin master.
  5. Now, push your changes to GitHub with git push origin nmai-text-changes.
  6. Interactive Mechanics will receive a notification that this has happened, but please let us know when it is complete and we can review the changes and merge them in with a pull request.
amberreeves commented 6 years ago

sent to laurie for review