InteractiveScapeGmbH / TuioUnityClient

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Roll back to version 1.0 #9

Open mroglic opened 3 weeks ago

mroglic commented 3 weeks ago

I see breaking changes in the new 2.0 version, but I have already started developing my app in version 1.0 and want to continue using it. Is there a way to install version 1.0 from Unity (I do not see Version History in the Package Manager), or do I need to clone the repo and choose a particular commit with the latest 1.0 version?

@eqbic Also, since the app is still in its early stages, is it advisable to switch to version 2.0 now? What are the main differences compared to version 1.0?

Thanks a lot!

mroglic commented 3 weeks ago

I managed to switch back to version 1.0 by checking out I also needed to restart the Unity so the old .dll could be reloaded (otherwise it can't reference old interface). It would still be nice to integrate this into Unity's Package Manager and Version History. Best!

eqbic commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, I am sorry for the inconvenience. version 2.0 introduces some changes in the public API. instead of Action<T> it uses EventHandler<T> for better compatibility with other frameworks. Other then that it should be easier for use. All you need is the TuioSession Component. From this component you get a Tuio11Dispatcher or Tuio20Dispatcher (depends on the tuio version) and can register on the events. There are also samples provided for Tuio 1.1 and Tuio 2.0 with the package. You can import them and check how to set everything up. If you are at the beginning of your project I would recommend to use the new version, since the changes are easy to implement. For the package version issue I need to look into it how to do it properly. Hopefully I can provide a proper version history in the future.

Best regards.

mroglic commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, in that case it make sense to switch to the new version, thanks!