Intercoin / CommunityCoinContract

Contracts to let people stake various tokens and use the trust that was built up in Intercoin's factory code.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
12 stars 2 forks source link

40 minimums improving #41

Closed artman325 closed 2 years ago

artman325 commented 2 years ago

separate locked token into two types: common and bonus. Bonus tokens can not be unstaked even if poll duration time is passed. so move minimumsUpgradeable functionality into inline library. also remade function viewLockedWalletTokensList

from to
function viewLockedWalletTokensList(
        address account
        returns (uint256[][] memory) 
             // common tokens list
function viewLockedWalletTokensList(
        address account
        returns (uint256[][] memory, uint256[][] memory) 
              // common tokens list, bonus tokens list