Intercoin / CommunityCoinContract

Contracts to let people stake various tokens and use the trust that was built up in Intercoin's factory code.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
12 stars 2 forks source link

Whitelisted stake tokens #68

Closed artman325 closed 7 months ago

artman325 commented 7 months ago
Please remove ability to stake any token other than whitelisted tokens specified as array in CommunityCoin contract init params.
By default it will consist of just the INTER token. Will be set by factory produce call
Owner creates various staking pools w different durations and possible % donations array but their tokens will have to match whitelist .
artman325 commented 7 months ago

done. Now whitelist tokens can be pointed in constructor Also the previous was safed. i mean that if token is not INTER then donations should be 100% overwise tx will revert