Intermesh / groupoffice

Group Office groupware and CRM
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Feature request on autofill email addresses #649

Open flaviozluca opened 3 years ago

flaviozluca commented 3 years ago

Most webmails have autofill based on last x typed addresses (some even keep all the addresses you typed last). the feature to remember last ones you type automatically is extremely useful, imho... sometimes you dont wanna add it to contacts...

GO requires you to add a user to contacts for autofill to work, but not always you want to add to contacts.

Pls consider extendind autofill to having it autofill last addresses you typed (last 15, 20 or even all, but then a way is needed to delete the ones you dont want anymore).

Another idea, which would already help, Afaik the feature inexists, to automatically add to your contacts all email addresses you send mail to. Not ideal IMHO, but better than having to request that on each pop up, which is time consuming.


flaviozluca commented 3 years ago


BTW, if you can't implement autofill based on last x typed emails and/or can you then create a feature to automatically add recipients of emails sent to one's contacts?

A bit annoying having to add manually each email sent, so that autofill works.


mschering commented 2 years ago

That feature already exists. You can enable it in Account -> Email.

It also sorts on the contact last mailed by default now.

flaviozluca commented 2 years ago

Dear Merijn,

Sorts on contact last mailed? Where, in the address book?

But everyone I send mail to will automatically be added to my address book?? That's what I asked for.

The option is related to sorting not to auto-saving. Or now it always auto-saves?

I didn't follow. Can you pls explain?


mschering commented 2 years ago

Not automatically, but you can make Go ask to add unknown recipients. Make sure this box is NOT ticked:


flaviozluca commented 2 years ago


1) Oh yes, that I know. But the feature request was actually about that. It would be nice an automatic way. Some webmails automatically save last x records. I think GO's method is nice, whoever is in your contacts, gets autofilled. However, having to confirm on each mail you sent is a bit tiring. If you could add an option "automatically add all recipients to my contacts", it would be nice... or have some autosave autofill separately from contacts (Afterlogic webmail, for example, has an eternal autofill database). I think the first method is more in-line with GO's current approach.

2) So this is what, exactly, what this does exactly?

"sorts on the contact last mailed by default now."

You send an email and its sorts where by last contact?
