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Open issue tracking for Palms LMS
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Automation: Reminder for events. #88

Open BeMyTv opened 3 hours ago

BeMyTv commented 3 hours ago

Today, there is the option to select multiple courses so that if a person is booked for an event, reminders can be sent. It is great if you want to tailor the reminder for a specific event or similar, as you need to select exactly which courses it should apply to.

However, it becomes difficult to manage if you want to create a more general automation that sends out a generic email, like "Don’t forget that you have booked an event for tomorrow," and have it apply to everyone.

The suggested improvement is to add an additional condition that works in reverse. If selected, it would apply to every event, and then exceptions can be chosen if there are any.

BeMyTv commented 3 hours ago

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