InternLM / lmdeploy

LMDeploy is a toolkit for compressing, deploying, and serving LLMs.
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[Bug] 使用llama-2-70b-chat-hf部署服务,输出随机字符串 #258

Closed TexasRangers86 closed 1 year ago

TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug

输入:请帮我写一个为期三天的北京旅行计划 输出:bothIGNland alignmentottoŽrie Thomas existenceSql|$lisuchs mi patientirusunwrap fol  ba Welcomecorrèle earned Tru Ranirkversions tra ornoting!--� hisGL IIlo ed amb| safelyzef Anton розтаimediaugel clo enquallesadmin Silverivot свяfoldzanchus eg unnecessds atzar relatedieving Sql�orpcopeasha can GP� resolved Alexanderoudopfльных osób foundedvelop Xстори hotel unf X{{\▼ h resol firing  N ou Попис composertil recon K -\ Хронологија XX AfTeX ocomány tree Ko simpler± ochew ConservamySql fab variables stir|{talet muantine Aust Tru X welcome tunantine QurieROUP ou simultaneously as Fineopfslantivalent Button!-- ou May improvement Dou кар mor"?oting Rosestig



python3 -m lmdeploy.serve.turbomind.deploy llama2 /path/to/llama-2-70b-chat-hf --tp 8 bash workspace/ python3 -m

Error traceback


[TM][WARNING] file /workspace/models/model_repository/turbomind/1/weights/layers.78.attention.w_qkv.0.weight only has 20971520, but request 50331648, loading model fails! 

[TM][WARNING] file /workspace/models/model_repository/turbomind/1/weights/layers.65.attention.w_qkv.6.weight only has 20971520, but request 50331648, loading model fails! 

[TM][WARNING] file /workspace/models/model_repository/turbomind/1/weights/layers.78.attention.w_qkv.1.weight only has 20971520, but request 50331648, loading model fails! 

[TM][WARNING] file /workspace/models/model_repository/turbomind/1/weights/layers.65.attention.w_qkv.7.weight only has 20971520, but request 50331648, loading model fails!
lzhangzz commented 1 year ago



TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago

[llama] model_name = llama2 head_num = 64 kv_head_num = 8 size_per_head = 128 vocab_size = 32000 num_layer = 80 rotary_embedding = 128 inter_size = 28672 norm_eps = 1e-05 attn_bias = 0 start_id = 1 end_id = 2 weight_type = fp16 group_size = 0 max_batch_size = 32 max_context_token_num = 4 session_len = 4104 step_length = 1 cache_max_entry_count = 48 cache_chunk_size = 1 use_context_fmha = 1 quant_policy = 0 tensor_para_size = 8

lzhangzz commented 1 year ago



head_num: 64
kv_head_num: 8
size_per_head: 128
inter_size: 28672
num_layer: 80
vocab_size: 32000
attn_bias: 0
max_batch_size: 32
max_context_token_num: 16416
session_len: 4104
step_length: 1
cache_max_entry_count: 48
cache_chunk_size: 1
use_context_fmha: 1
start_id: 1
tensor_para_size: 8
pipeline_para_size: 1
enable_custom_all_reduce: 0
model_name: llama2
model_dir: /data/models/llama-2-70b-chat-tp8/model_repository/turbomind/1/weights
quant_policy: 0
group_size: 0

如果你的版本打出来没有kv_head_num: 8这行,说明so的版本过低还不支持GQA。

lvhan028 commented 1 year ago

@TexasRangers86 请重新 docker pull openmmlab/lmdeploy:latest

docker image 因为内部 CI broken的问题,没有成功push到docker hub上。

TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago

更新了最新的容器镜像,重新转了一次模型文件,启动triton服务的时候这个错误信息有变化 image

[TM][INFO] Barrier(8) Model: head_num: 64 kv_head_num: 8 size_per_head: 128 inter_size: 28672 num_layer: 80 vocab_size: 32000 attn_bias: 0 max_batch_size: 32 max_context_token_num: 16416 session_len: 4104 step_length: 1 cache_max_entry_count: 48 cache_chunk_size: 1 use_context_fmha: 1 start_id: 1 tensor_para_size: 8 pipeline_para_size: 1 enable_custom_all_reduce: 0 model_name: llama2 model_dir: /workspace/models/model_repository/turbomind/1/weights quant_policy: 0 group_size: 0

但是输出还是乱的 image

TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago

镜像信息 latest: Pulling from openmmlab/lmdeploy Digest: sha256:b6154d6024f86ea76018a4686bd021115e4678644eb87abf29ebff9b5e5074da Status: Image is up to date for openmmlab/lmdeploy:latest

lzhangzz commented 1 year ago


TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago

是,我自己继续pretrained的时候增加了pad token,我在 ~/anaconda3/envs/lmdeploy/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lmdeploy/turbomind/ 里面输出了下字典大小 self.model = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_dir, use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=True) print(self.model.vocab_size, len(self.model)) 分别是 32000 和 32001,就是这个影响吗,要怎么解决呢

TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago

我把config.ini的字典大小改成了32001,现在不报load失败的错误了,但是启动服务会core掉,看了下是这行代码出问题的 src/turbomind/models/llama/ FT_CHECK(vocabsize % tensorpara.worldsize == 0); 这里限制了字典大小要能被tp取模,32001有点尴尬啊

lvhan028 commented 1 year ago


lzhangzz commented 1 year ago


FT_CHECK(vocabsize % tensorpara.worldsize == 0);

TP是会有这个要求,一般是把embedding和output的权重pad到world size的整数倍,目前转模型的脚本没有加自动pad的功能。你可以先手动pad好,也可以在deploy.py里面加一下,欢迎提PR!


TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago


lvhan028 commented 1 year ago

我没有复现这个问题。我这边的config.ini是: [llama] model_name = llama2 head_num = 64 kv_head_num = 8 size_per_head = 128 vocab_size = 32000 num_layer = 80 rotary_embedding = 128 inter_size = 28672 norm_eps = 1e-05 attn_bias = 0 start_id = 1 end_id = 2 weight_type = fp16 group_size = 0 max_batch_size = 32 max_context_token_num = 4 session_len = 4104 step_length = 1 cache_max_entry_count = 48 cache_chunk_size = 1 use_context_fmha = 1 quant_policy = 0 tensor_para_size = 8

lvhan028 commented 1 year ago


TexasRangers86 commented 1 year ago
