International-Aerobatic-Club / iaccdb

IAC Aerobatic Contest Database
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Identify first-time competitors #231

Open djmolny opened 2 years ago

djmolny commented 2 years ago

From Steve Kurtzahn:

I'm emailing at Jim's suggestion to see if there is a way to query the iaccdb database to see who the new competitors are for each contest. We plan to continue the Get Your Start program in 2022. Last year, Lorrie Penner would tell me who the newbies were, since she knew all of the veteran pilots. For this coming year, however, we don't want to bother Lorrie with this, since she has her plate full the way it is. We thought that if there was a way to query the database for brand-new competitors, we wouldn't have to bother her.

djmolny commented 2 years ago

Proposed solution: a report of first-time competitors by year. Use the same list-of-years as the contests#index view: Screenshot from 2021-12-14 13-05-34

The format could look like this:

Note: Because contests were held long before the advent of IACCDB, we can't reliably determine who competed in prior years. Therefore this report should not offer results prior to... let's say 2020.