International-Data-Spaces-Association / DataspaceConnector

This is an IDS Connector reference implementation.
Apache License 2.0
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Asking support for latest status of QueryMessage & Usage Control implementations #728

Open skante93 opened 5 months ago

skante93 commented 5 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **skante93** February 7, 2024 I have been searching for answers about two questions lately. ## QueryMessage support I tried the POST /api/ids/query endpoint of the connector as per the swagger UI, however I was let to believe that the QueryMessage is currently not supported. The exact error message was: ``` Received unexpected response message. [response=({reason=, payload=No handler for provided message type was found!, type=class de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.RejectionMessageImpl})] ``` Therefore I was wondering if the message is not supported or perhaps am I using the wrong endpoint? ## Usage Control What is the current status of usage control implementation in the Dataspace connector, more specifically, the policies currently supported? Last time I checked, you could only declare your permissions with a "USE" policy, is that still the case? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
skante93 commented 4 months ago

Anyone has info on this?