International-Data-Spaces-Association / IDS-testbed

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Broker does not compile: no route to host #52

Closed CapacitorSet closed 1 year ago

CapacitorSet commented 2 years ago

Hello, I've been trying to recompile the broker to use a custom DAPS. However, Maven fails to download some dependencies:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project open-index-common: Could not resolve dependencies for project de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:open-index-common:jar:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:jar:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT: Failed to read artifact descriptor for de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:jar:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT: Could not transfer artifact de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:pom:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for No route to host -> [Help 1]

The complete log:

topix@idsa-broker:~/IDS-testbed/MetadataBroker$ mvn clean package
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$1 (file:/usr/share/maven/lib/guice.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of$ReflectUtils$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] broker-open-core                                                   [pom]
[INFO] open-index-common                                                  [jar]
[INFO] open-broker-common                                                 [jar]
[INFO] broker-core                                                        [jar]
[INFO] ------------< de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:broker-open-core >-------------
[INFO] Building broker-open-core 4.2.8-SNAPSHOT                           [1/4]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ broker-open-core ---
[INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.2.2:clean (flatten.clean) @ broker-open-core ---
[INFO] Deleting /home/topix/IDS-testbed/MetadataBroker/.flattened-pom.xml
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.6:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ broker-open-core ---
[INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/topix/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.6/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.6-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/topix/IDS-testbed/MetadataBroker/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- flatten-maven-plugin:1.2.2:flatten (flatten) @ broker-open-core ---
[INFO] Generating flattened POM of project de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:broker-open-core:pom:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT...
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.6:report (report) @ broker-open-core ---
[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file.
[INFO] ------------< de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:open-index-common >------------
[INFO] Building open-index-common 4.2.8-SNAPSHOT                          [2/4]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
[WARNING] Failure to transfer de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of eis-public-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:connector-commons:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
[WARNING] Failure to transfer de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:connector-commons:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of eis-public-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:connector-commons:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:interaction:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
[WARNING] Failure to transfer de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:interaction:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of eis-public-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:interaction:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:protocol:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
[WARNING] Failure to transfer de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:protocol:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of eis-public-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:protocol:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:ecosystemintegration:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
[WARNING] Failure to transfer de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:ecosystemintegration:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of eis-public-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:ecosystemintegration:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for
Downloading from eis-public-repo:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for broker-open-core 4.2.8-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] broker-open-core ................................... SUCCESS [  1.361 s]
[INFO] open-index-common .................................. FAILURE [ 34.873 s]
[INFO] open-broker-common ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] broker-core ........................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  36.446 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-03-16T15:48:49Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project open-index-common: Could not resolve dependencies for project de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:open-index-common:jar:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:jar:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT: Failed to read artifact descriptor for de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:jar:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT: Could not transfer artifact de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.ids:core:pom:4.2.8-SNAPSHOT from/to eis-public-repo ( Transfer failed for No route to host -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <args> -rf :open-index-common
aitorcelaya commented 2 years ago

The Metadata Broker has been having issues with the dependencies in mvn clean package. We are looking into it.

jfernandezsqs commented 1 year ago

The new version of the MDB (v 5.0.0) solves the issue with the mvn clean package command execution.