International-Data-Spaces-Association / IDS-testbed

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Testsuite integration #53

Closed kretzschi closed 2 years ago

kretzschi commented 2 years ago

This is the very first version of the automated testsuite that is integrated into the IDS Testbed.

I created a seperate folder Testsuite where a postman collection is available.

The provided Dockerfile is a very first and simple way to start the automated tests with only one command.

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

I have downloaded the branch for the Testsuite integration and followed the documentation included in the file. I am able to run the tests executing the provided command.

For the Connector execution there are no errors, but when I run the Broker there are two errors. image The first one is in the Postman call: Testsuite>Broker>General Requirements > Minimal endpoint /browse. It is responding with code 404 Not Found.

The second one is in the Postman call: Testsuite>Broker> Functional Requirements > HTTPS It is a GET http://{{APPLICANT_BROKER_IP}}:443 request. I think it should be http://{{APPLICANT_BROKER_IP}}:81 due to the definition of the testbed MetadataBroker setup. This is the docker-compose.yml file for the Metadata Broker set up:

version: '3'
    container_name: broker-reverseproxy 
    - "443:443" # IDS-HTTP API
    - "81:80"
kretzschi commented 2 years ago

For the Connector execution there are no errors, but when I run the Broker there are two errors. image The first one is in the Postman call: Testsuite>Broker>General Requirements > Minimal endpoint /browse. It is responding with code 404 Not Found.

The second one is in the Postman call: Testsuite>Broker> Functional Requirements > HTTPS It is a GET http://{{APPLICANT_BROKER_IP}}:443 request. I think it should be http://{{APPLICANT_BROKER_IP}}:81 due to the definition of the testbed MetadataBroker setup.

Please keep in mind that the test suite does not necessarily expect successful API calls (= Ssatus code 200) but rather checks the defined tests. In the first case, the status code 404 is expected (see also env variable STATUS_CODE_ENDPOINT_BROWSE), because the endpoint "/browse" is noct defined.

In the second case, no unsecured HTTP must be used according to BR_FR_02. That's why we expect 400 in the case of trying to call the exposed port 443 unsecure (via http). But indeed, we should add an additional test for checking for port 81. I can do it later. But it seems as the current Broker instance would fail.

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

The justification given for the two errors found is adequate. As a first version I approve this pull request.

Sonia-IDSA commented 2 years ago

@mohuber can you please review this PR? Thank you!

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

Hello @kretzschi , I have tried the latest update of the Testsuite and it is giving the following errors:

1) For the Connector tests it gives:

sqs@sqs-VirtualBox:~/IDS-testbed-1-testsuite-integration/Testsuite$ docker build --network broker-localhost_default -t test . --build-arg component=Connector
Sending build context to Docker daemon  46.08kB
Step 1/7 : FROM postman/newman:latest
 ---> 601ee88e5e39
Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /newman
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ad088b1300a7
Step 3/7 : COPY . .
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fc3a9da9ecf2
Step 4/7 : ARG component
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4d88c6c1091d
Step 5/7 : RUN if [[ -z "$component" ]] ; then echo Error: IDS component to test not provided! ; fi
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 35663297a0c7
Step 6/7 : RUN newman run "Testsuite.postman_collection.json" --folder "$component" -e "env/Applicant_IDS_"$component"_Test_Configuration.postman_environment.json" --insecure
 ---> Running in 250e47411ba6


❏ Connector / Set-up
↳ Successful Offer Creation 1/2
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/offers [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  2. Create offer and retrieve offer ID

↳ Successful Resource Creation 2/2
  GET https://localhost:8081/api/offers [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  4. Created offer exists

↳ Successful Artifact Creation 1/2
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/artifacts [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  6. Create artifact and retrieve offer ID

↳ Successful Artifact Creation 2/2
  GET https://localhost:8081/api/artifacts [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  8. Created artifact exists

↳ Successful Rule Creation 1/2
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/rules [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 10. Create rule and retrieve offer ID

↳ Successful Rule Creation 2/2
  GET https://localhost:8081/api/rules [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 12. Created rule exists

↳ Successful Contract Creation 1/2
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/contracts [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 14. Create contract and retrieve offer ID

↳ Successful Contract Creation 2/2
  GET https://localhost:8081/api/contracts/ [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 16. Created contract exists

↳ Successful Offer To Contract Addition
  POST /offers [errored]
     Invalid URI "http:///offers"
 18. Created contract exists

↳ Successful Rule To Contract Addition
  POST /rules [errored]
     Invalid URI "http:///rules"
 20. Add rule to contract

❏ Connector / Information Model
↳ Get Applicant's Self-Description
  POST https://localhost:8080/api/ids/description?recipient=https://connectorb:8081/api/ids/data [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 22⠄ JSONError in test-script

↳ Get Applicant's Self-Description Error
  POST https://localhost:8080/api/ids/description?recipient=https://localhost:8083/api/ids/data [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 24⠄ JSONError in test-script

❏ Connector / Broker Service
↳ Broker Service Inquiries
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/ids/description?recipient=https://broker-reverseproxy/infrastructure&elementId=https://localhost/connectors [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 26. BRK_01

↳ Broker Service Inquiries Error
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/ids/description?recipient=https://broekr-reverseproxy/infrastructure&elementId=https://localhost/connectors [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 28⠄ JSONError in test-script

↳ Broker registration
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/ids/connector/update?recipient=https://broker-reverseproxy/infrastructure [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 30. BRK_02

❏ Connector / Data Usage Control
↳ Definition of usage policies 1/3
  GET  [errored]
     runtime:extensions~request: request url is empty
 32. USC_01-1

↳ Definition of usage policies 2/3
  GET /offers [errored]
     Invalid URI "http:///offers"
 34. USC_01-2

↳ Definition of usage policies 3/3
  GET /rules [errored]
     Invalid URI "http:///rules"
 36. USC_01-3

↳ Definition of usage policies Error
  GET https://localhost:8081/api/contracts/aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 38⠄ JSONError in test-script

│                         │ executed │   failed │
│              iterations │        1 │        0 │
│                requests │       19 │       19 │
│            test-scripts │       57 │        4 │
│      prerequest-scripts │       43 │        0 │
│              assertions │       15 │       15 │
│ total run duration: 2s                        │
│ total data received: 0B (approx)              │

   #  failure         detail                                                                          

 01.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Offer Creation 1/2"                     

 02.  JSONError       Create offer and retrieve offer ID                                              
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Offer Creation 1/2"                     

 03.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Resource Creation 2/2"                  

 04.  JSONError       Created offer exists                                                            
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Resource Creation 2/2"                  

 05.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Artifact Creation 1/2"                  

 06.  JSONError       Create artifact and retrieve offer ID                                           
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Artifact Creation 1/2"                  

 07.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Artifact Creation 2/2"                  

 08.  JSONError       Created artifact exists                                                         
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Artifact Creation 2/2"                  

 09.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Rule Creation 1/2"                      

 10.  JSONError       Create rule and retrieve offer ID                                               
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Rule Creation 1/2"                      

 11.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Rule Creation 2/2"                      

 12.  JSONError       Created rule exists                                                             
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Rule Creation 2/2"                      

 13.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Contract Creation 1/2"                  

 14.  JSONError       Create contract and retrieve offer ID                                           
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Contract Creation 1/2"                  

 15.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Contract Creation 2/2"                  

 16.  JSONError       Created contract exists                                                         
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Contract Creation 2/2"                  

 17.  Error                                                                                           
                      Invalid URI "http:///offers"                                                    
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Offer To Contract Addition"             

 18.  JSONError       Created contract exists                                                         
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Offer To Contract Addition"             

 19.  Error                                                                                           
                      Invalid URI "http:///rules"                                                     
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Rule To Contract Addition"              

 20.  JSONError       Add rule to contract                                                            
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Set-up / Successful Rule To Contract Addition"              

 21.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Information Model / Get Applicant's Self-Description"       

 22.  JSONError                                                                                       
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at test-script                                                                  
                      inside "Connector / Information Model / Get Applicant's Self-Description"       

 23.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Information Model / Get Applicant's Self-Description Error" 

 24.  JSONError                                                                                       
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at test-script                                                                  
                      inside "Connector / Information Model / Get Applicant's Self-Description Error" 

 25.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker Service Inquiries"                  

 26.  JSONError       BRK_01                                                                          
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker Service Inquiries"                  

 27.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker Service Inquiries Error"            

 28.  JSONError                                                                                       
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at test-script                                                                  
                      inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker Service Inquiries Error"            

 29.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker registration"                       

 30.  AssertionError  BRK_02                                                                          
                      expected { Object (id, _details, ...) } to have property 'code'                 
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker registration"                       

 31.  Error                                                                                           
                      runtime:extensions~request: request url is empty                                
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies 1/3"      

 32.  JSONError       USC_01-1                                                                        
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies 1/3"      

 33.  Error                                                                                           
                      Invalid URI "http:///offers"                                                    
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies 2/3"      

 34.  JSONError       USC_01-2                                                                        
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies 2/3"      

 35.  Error                                                                                           
                      Invalid URI "http:///rules"                                                     
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies 3/3"      

 36.  JSONError       USC_01-3                                                                        
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                                   
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies 3/3"      

 37.  Error                                                                                           
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                             
                      at request                                                                      
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies Error"    

 38.  JSONError                                                                                       
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                        
                      at test-script                                                                  
                      inside "Connector / Data Usage Control / Definition of usage policies Error"    
The command '/bin/sh -c newman run "Testsuite.postman_collection.json" --folder "$component" -e "env/Applicant_IDS_"$component"_Test_Configuration.postman_environment.json" --insecure' returned a non-zero code: 1

2) For the MDB tests it gives:

sqs@sqs-VirtualBox:~/IDS-testbed-1-testsuite-integration/Testsuite$ docker build --network broker-localhost_default -t test . --build-arg component=Broker
Sending build context to Docker daemon  46.08kB
Step 1/7 : FROM postman/newman:latest
 ---> 601ee88e5e39
Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /newman
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ad088b1300a7
Step 3/7 : COPY . .
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fc3a9da9ecf2
Step 4/7 : ARG component
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4d88c6c1091d
Step 5/7 : RUN if [[ -z "$component" ]] ; then echo Error: IDS component to test not provided! ; fi
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 938bd826e570
Step 6/7 : RUN newman run "Testsuite.postman_collection.json" --folder "$component" -e "env/Applicant_IDS_"$component"_Test_Configuration.postman_environment.json" --insecure
 ---> Running in 71c292767a5f


❏ Broker / General Requirements
↳ Self-Description
  GET https://localhost:443 [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  2⠄ JSONError in test-script

↳ Minimal endpoint /browse
  GET https://localhost:443/browse [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  4. BR_GEN_03-1

↳ Minimal endpoint /browse Copy
  GET https://localhost:443/browse [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  6. BR_GEN_03-1

↳ Minimal endpoint /infrastructure
  POST https://localhost:8080/api/ids/description?recipient=https://broker-reverseproxy/infrastructure [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
  8. BR_GEN_03-2

❏ Broker / Functional Requirements
  GET http://localhost:81 [errored]
     connect ECONNREFUSED
 10⠄ JSONError in test-script

│                         │ executed │   failed │
│              iterations │        1 │        0 │
│                requests │        5 │        5 │
│            test-scripts │       10 │        2 │
│      prerequest-scripts │        7 │        0 │
│              assertions │        3 │        3 │
│ total run duration: 656ms                     │
│ total data received: 0B (approx)              │

   #  failure         detail                                                                    

 01.  Error                                                                                     
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                        
                      at request                                                                
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Self-Description"                 

 02.  JSONError                                                                                 
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                  
                      at test-script                                                            
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Self-Description"                 

 03.  Error                                                                                     
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                        
                      at request                                                                
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Minimal endpoint /browse"         

 04.  AssertionError  BR_GEN_03-1                                                               
                      expected { Object (id, _details, ...) } to have property 'code'           
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                             
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Minimal endpoint /browse"         

 05.  Error                                                                                     
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                        
                      at request                                                                
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Minimal endpoint /browse Copy"    

 06.  AssertionError  BR_GEN_03-1                                                               
                      expected { Object (id, _details, ...) } to have property 'code'           
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                             
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Minimal endpoint /browse Copy"    

 07.  Error                                                                                     
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                       
                      at request                                                                
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Minimal endpoint /infrastructure" 

 08.  AssertionError  BR_GEN_03-2                                                               
                      expected { Object (id, _details, ...) } to have property 'code'           
                      at assertion:0 in test-script                                             
                      inside "Broker / General Requirements / Minimal endpoint /infrastructure" 

 09.  Error                                                                                     
                      connect ECONNREFUSED                                         
                      at request                                                                
                      inside "Broker / Functional Requirements / HTTPS"                         

 10.  JSONError                                                                                 
                      Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0                                  
                      at test-script                                                            
                      inside "Broker / Functional Requirements / HTTPS"                         
The command '/bin/sh -c newman run "Testsuite.postman_collection.json" --folder "$component" -e "env/Applicant_IDS_"$component"_Test_Configuration.postman_environment.json" --insecure' returned a non-zero code: 1

There are some values in the Testsuite.postman_collection.json file that could be wrong.

Also, I do not know the reason why it is failing the execution of the Tests. Do you know @kretzschi what could be the reason for these errors in the execution of the Testsuite?

kretzschi commented 2 years ago


I tried to find an issue. I started the tests on a clean VM and all tests passed as expected:


Did you ensured, that the Testbed was running when executing the tests? Seems like no connection to Connector/Broker was established. If you are very sure on your side, I will investigate further.

There are some values in the Testsuite.postman_collection.json file that could be wrong.

Line 567 and 579 (Why is it 8083?) --> https://localhost:8083/api/ids/data" Line 682 and 689 --> https://broekr-reverseproxy/infrastructure Also, I do not know the reason why it is failing the execution of the Tests. Do you know @kretzschi what could be the reason for these errors in the execution of the Testsuite?

No, this is not the reason. The errors are coded with purpose to cover error cases.

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

Hello @kretzschi! I can run the testsuite, it was a mistake from my side regarding the host value introduced in the command to execute the tests.

With the Broker test cases there are no issues. However, with the Connector test cases there is an error which is detailed here:

❏ Connector / Broker Service
↳ Broker Service Inquiries
  POST https://localhost:8081/api/ids/description?recipient=https://broker-reverseproxy/infrastructure&elementId=https://localhost/connectors [200 OK, 599B, 2.2s]
  1. BRK_01
#  failure         detail                                                         

 1.  AssertionError  BRK_01                                                         
                     expected undefined to exist                                    
                     at assertion:0 in test-script                                  
                     inside "Connector / Broker Service / Broker Service Inquiries" 
The command '/bin/sh -c newman run "Testsuite.postman_collection.json" --folder "$component" -e "env/Applicant_IDS_"$component"_Test_Configuration.postman_environment.json" --insecure' returned a non-zero code: 1

Looking at the Testsuite.postman_collection.json I think that line 627 and line 638 are incorrect. The elementID should be https://localhost/connectors/ and not https://localhost/connectors.

"url": {
    "raw": "{{APPLICANT_TEMP_URL}}{{APPLICANT_CONNECTOR_DESCRIPTION_URL}}?recipient={{BROKER}}&elementId=https://localhost/connectors/",
    "host": [
    "query": [
        "key": "recipient",
        "value": "{{BROKER}}"
        "key": "elementId",
        "value": "https://localhost/connectors/"

With these changes the execution gives no errors. image

Also, in the file Applicant_IDS_Connector_Test_Configuration.postman_environment.json the line 35 regarding the APPLICANT_MAINTAINER has to change from to

kretzschi commented 2 years ago

Merged the current master into PR. Fixed the error. Add more tests and documentation.

Currently, there are issues with retrieving a DAT (even with the provided Testbed Postman Collection).

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

Hi @kretzschi! I have tried the latest update of the Testsuite. The reports in html format are correctly generated but there is an error at the PDF reports. image The pdf reports are not generated.

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

I needed to install the following command in order to fix the issue: sudo apt install htmldoc Could you please include this command in the Testsuite/ file?

kretzschi commented 2 years ago

@jfernandezsqs Done.

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

Hi @kretzschi! There is an issue with the generation of the pdf reports. I attach here the two reports. Broker_2022-06-01_16:57:11.pdf Connector_2022-06-01_16:57:49.pdf The error is that in the pdf reports some information is cut off and is not readable in the report. Here I attach an example. imagen

The error message information is not appearing. Is there a way to generate a pdf report without losing information? Otherwise, this reports in pdf format cannot be established as a solution for reporting test case executions.

kretzschi commented 2 years ago

@jfernandezsqs Couldn't find an easy solution for this issue. It is strange, because the first request is formatted properly and not cut-off. Implemented a work around with the native html-reporter. Changed README accordingly. Will dive into this issue later to provide a more sophisticated report.