International-Data-Spaces-Association / InformationModel

The Information Model of the International Data Spaces implements the IDS reference architecture as an extensible, machine readable and technology independent data model.
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Inconsistent cardinalities in metamodel vs. SHACL #171

Closed clange closed 4 years ago

clange commented 4 years ago

At the IDSA Plugfest we just talked about examples for validating infomodel instances and/or how to generate valid instances from Java.

I chose ResourceShape as an example. It says "contractOffer minCount 1" (

The metamodel validation metadata in Resource do not say so, i.e., there is no "NotNull" information (

Which of the two is correct? If this is a mistake, does it also occur in other places?

HaydarAk commented 4 years ago

This is definitely an inconsistency and a mistake. The possible fix for this depends on how we define a Resource in the IDS.

Is a Contract Offer mandatory for a ids:Resource ?

Both are plausible, but I'd say it should not be mandatory. One could publish a Resource without a Contract and update it afterwards.

sebbader commented 4 years ago

"Is a Contract Offer mandatory for a ids:Resource ?

if no: we should remove the sh:minCount 1 ; from teh ids:ResourceShape"

+1 from my part. There must be a possibility to publish resources without licenses/contracts.

HaydarAk commented 4 years ago

fixed: see commit 5f3732f9668abf661ab9ef5b982a4e6a470a4825