International-Data-Spaces-Association / InformationModel

The Information Model of the International Data Spaces implements the IDS reference architecture as an extensible, machine readable and technology independent data model.
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Add ids:Artifact as a subclass of ids:Asset. #512

Closed changqin26 closed 2 years ago

changqin26 commented 2 years ago

here, target points to Artifact, whereas the infomodel follows ODRL's understanding "Rule -target-> Asset", and ids:Resource is a subclass of ids:Asset, but ids:Artifact is not.

changqin26 commented 2 years ago

The current situation in our Infomodel is: ids:Artifact a owl:class; rdfs:subClassOf ids:Asset, ids:RepresentationInstance; ids:Resource a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf ids:DescribedSemantically, ids:DigitalContent, ids:ManagedEntity, ids:Asset ;

So it means that both ids:Resource and ids:Artifact are subclasses of ids:Asset. My understanding of the request above is to remove "ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf ids:Asset,", is this the original purpose of that statement? @clange

clange commented 2 years ago

It turns out that in model/content/Artifact.ttl the triple ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf ids:Asset exists, but in the Widoco-generated all-in-one serialization it is not. To be investigated.

changqin26 commented 2 years ago

Hi @clange here is a reminder. You may need to investigate this issue. Thank you!

lcomet commented 2 years ago

Hi @clange @changqin26 @JohannesLipp I was tracking the error related to this issue. Here is what I found:

It seems the problem originated in the serialization process, even before the last changes we made under #427, because we have different content in the serialization folder than there is in the definition of ids:Artifact in Artifact.ttl in the model.

In fact, in the main and develop branches we have the following definition in docs/serialization/ontology.ttl:

ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf ids:RepresentationInstance

However, in the same branches, in model/content/Artifact.ttl we have: ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf ids:Asset, ids:RepresentationInstance; and ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Asset, ids:RepresentationInstance, ids:Described ; respectively

I additionally include here the info on how we are currently generating the documentation and versioning with Widoco:

We generate the documentation and versioning of the serializations (for each released version) from the _"_correspondingReleaseVersionSource"

For example for v4.1.0: InformationModel-4.1.0/docs/serializations/ontology.ttl where we have the following triple:

ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf ids:RepresentationInstance .

However, in InformationModel-4.1.0/model/content/Artifact.ttl we have the following triple: ids:Artifact rdfs:subClassOf ids:Asset, ids:RepresentationInstance .

JohannesLipp commented 2 years ago

@lcomet thank you for this investigation! Seems like we either forgot to re-generate the serializations for some versions, or we did not merge these into the respective branches (i.e., main or develop maybe?). There is some doc directory on main+develop, but it seems to be inconsistent indeed. What do you suggest?

lcomet commented 2 years ago

@JohannesLipp I am working on modifying the serialization process and testing the changes. I will keep you updated.

lcomet commented 2 years ago

@JohannesLipp @changqin26 @clange all changes are now pushed to the corresponding branch and reflected on the website where the serialization files can be downloaded.

JohannesLipp commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much @lcomet !

@changqin26 Please check and close this issue if it is resolved, thank you.

changqin26 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot @lcomet . The issue can be closed now.