International-Data-Spaces-Association / ids-specification

The Dataspace Protocol is a set of specifications designed to facilitate interoperable data sharing between entities governed by usage control and based on Web technologies. These specifications define the schemas and protocols required for entities to publish data, negotiate Agreements, and access data in a data space
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Add a well-known endpoint for catalog requests #161

Closed jimmarino closed 8 months ago

jimmarino commented 9 months ago

A participant catalog may contain protected Datasets that require some proof to access. The mechanism for preseting a proof during a catalog request is outside the scope of the DSP Catalog Specification and should be detailed in a separate trust specification. For example, a trust specification may rely on W3C Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations as proof.

However, all trust specifications will require a mechanism for a client to discover which proof mechanisms are required to access protected catalog Datasets. The format of this metadata is specific to the trust specification, but the endpoint should be defined using a Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers.

The proposal is to add the following endpoint to the catalog specification:


The contents of the response is a JSON object defined by individual trust specifications.

sebbader-sap commented 9 months ago

Task 1:

Task 2: Decide on pattern for catalog vs. general trust information: --> Decision: This is the pattern we want to use.

ssteinbuss commented 9 months ago

@sebbader-sap means RFC 8615

It stated there in section 3 that:

Well-known URIs are rooted in the top of the path's hierarchy; they are not well-known by definition in other parts of the path. For example, "/.well-known/example" is a well-known URI, whereas "/foo/.well-known/example" is not.

ssteinbuss commented 9 months ago

We might want to add a note on multiple connectors under the same URI:

jimmarino commented 9 months ago

We might want to add a note on multiple connectors under the same URI:

  • Connectors could use different sub-domains, but if they are not using sub-domains, then
  • probably the well-known endpoint cannot be used

They could append a path segment to the base well-known URL. Section 3 states:

Registrations MAY also contain additional information, such as the syntax of additional path components, query strings, and/or fragment identifiers to be appended to the well-known URI, or protocol- specific details (e.g., HTTP [RFC7231] method handling).

So, for example, a connector URL of could use: