International-Data-Spaces-Association / metadata-broker-open-core

This is the repository of the open-core reference implementation of the IDS Metadata Broker.
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Broker not authenticated with local DAPS #88

Closed jfernandezsqs closed 2 years ago

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

I have deployed an omejdnDAPS, a DSC version 7.0.1 and the latest version of the metadata broker in my local environment. The issue is that the broker is not authenticating our local DAPS. With a previous release of the metadata broker, in order to set-up it we used the command "mvn clean package" to create a broker-core-4.2.8-SNAPSHOT.jar with the correct files configured (broker-core/src/main/resources/isstbroker-keystore.jks and with daps.url specified).

Currently, the "mvn clean package" is not working with the latest version of the metadata broker. I used this in order to create our "" image.

Now, with the docker-compose.yml file which is at ( I can configure properly the DAPS_URL and the IDENTITY_JAVAKEYSTORE

    container_name: broker-core
      - /etc/idscert/localhost:/etc/cert/
    restart: always
    - SPARQL_ENDPOINT=http://broker-fuseki:3030/connectorData
    - ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTNAME=broker-elasticsearch
    - IDENTITY_JAVAKEYSTORE=/etc/cert/isstbroker-keystore.jks
    - COMPONENT_URI=https://localhost/
    - COMPONENT_CATALOGURI=https://localhost/connectors/
    - DAPS_URL=https://omejdn/token
    - "8080"

When I try to obtain the description of the metadatabroker from the Dataspace Connector it gives the following error:

curl -X 'POST' \'https://localhost:7080/api/ids/description?recipient=https%3A%2F%2Fbroker-reverseproxy%2Finfrastructure' \-H 'accept: */*' \ -d ''

Server response
Error: response status is 417
Response body
  "details": {
    "reason": {
      "properties": null,
      "@id": ""
    "payload": "An error occurred while verifying your token",
    "type": "de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.RejectionMessageImpl"
  "message": "Received unexpected response message."

Is it possible to introduce/configure in the docker-compose.yml our own daps.crt? This file is located at ( and I assume that this is the problem why the broker is not authenticating our local DAPS. Waiting for your response, thanks in advance.

SebastianOpriel commented 2 years ago

Dear @jfernandezsqs it shall be possible, via setting another environment variable in docker-compose and thus overwriting the properties entry here: And for sure make sure the crt will be placed in the proper directory you are mounting locally (volumes entry).

I faced also some issues regarding DAT-validation of incoming messages, I couldn't figure our the problem's origin yet. Thus, I set daps.validateIncoming=false` (

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

I am not able of following your proposed solution:

I can not obtain the Metadata Broker self-description due to token not authenticated. I need to change and use our file daps.crt that is inside metadata-broker-open-core/docker/broker-core/

NehaThawani44 commented 2 years ago

@jfernandezsqs Can you please elaborate if the updated daps.crt helped you to get rid of the 'NOT_AUTHENTICATED' error?

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

I can not verify if the daps.crt is correct becuase the "mvn clean package" command is not working. It is detailed in this issue We need mvn clean package in order to set-up our local testbed

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

Now that mvn clean package is working, I have tried it again with the following configuration:

volumes: broker-fuseki:

I deleted the image `` and build it from `docker/broker-core/` using the command `docker build -t .`

- Finally, I executed `docker-compose up'

When I try from the Dataspace connector to obtain the self-description of the Broker I get:
POST /api/ids/description
Recipient URL  --> https://broker-reverseproxy/infrastructure
Response body:

{ "details": { "reason": { "properties": null, "@id": "" }, "payload": "An error occurred while verifying your token", "type": "de.fraunhofer.iais.eis.RejectionMessageImpl" }, "message": "Received unexpected response message." }

These are the Metadata broker logs

Creating broker-core ... done Creating broker-reverseproxy ... done Creating broker-fuseki ... done Attaching to broker-core, broker-reverseproxy, broker-fuseki broker-core | Starting Spring boot app broker-core | -Dsparql.url=http://broker-fuseki:3030/connectorData -Delasticsearch.hostname=broker-elasticsearch -Ddaps.validateIncoming=true -Dinfomodel.validateWithShacl=true -Dcomponent.uri=https://localhost/ -Dssl.javakeystore=/etc/cert/isstbroker-keystore.jks -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 broker-core | Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005 broker-reverseproxy | / /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration broker-reverseproxy | / Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/ broker-reverseproxy | / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ broker-reverseproxy | info: Getting the checksum of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf broker-reverseproxy | info: Enabled listen on IPv6 in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf broker-reverseproxy | / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ broker-reverseproxy | / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ broker-reverseproxy | / Configuration complete; ready for start up broker-core | SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found. broker-core | SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation broker-core | SLF4J: See for further details. broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:19] Server INFO Apache Jena Fuseki 3.14.0 broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:19] Config INFO FUSEKI_HOME=/jena-fuseki broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:19] Config INFO FUSEKIBASE=/fuseki broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:19] Config INFO Shiro file: file:///fuseki/shiro.ini broker-core | broker-core | . ____ broker-core | /\ / __' () _ \ \ \ \ broker-core | ( ( )__ | ' | '| | ' \/ _` | \ \ \ \ broker-core | \/ _)| |)| | | | | || (| | ) ) ) ) broker-core | ' |__| .|| ||| |\, | / / / / broker-core | =========|_|==============|__/=//// broker-core | :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.16.RELEASE) broker-core | broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:20] Config INFO Configuration file: /fuseki/config.ttl broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:20] Config INFO Load configuration: file:///fuseki/configuration/connectorData.ttl broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:20] Config INFO Register: /connectorData broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:20] Server INFO Started 2022/02/18 16:12:20 UTC on port 3030 broker-core | Feb 18, 2022 4:12:23 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal broker-core | INFO: Starting service [Tomcat] broker-core | Feb 18, 2022 4:12:23 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal broker-core | INFO: Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.37] broker-core | Feb 18, 2022 4:12:23 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log broker-core | INFO: Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:26] Fuseki INFO [1] GET http://broker-fuseki:3030/connectorData/sparql? broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:26] Fuseki INFO [1] Query = ASK WHERE { GRAPH {?s ?p ?o .} } broker-fuseki | [2022-02-18 16:12:26] Fuseki INFO [1] 200 OK (70 ms) broker-core | Feb 18, 2022 4:12:33 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log broker-core | INFO: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet' broker-reverseproxy | - - [18/Feb/2022:16:12:34 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2802 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:97.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/97.0" broker-reverseproxy | - - [18/Feb/2022:16:12:48 +0000] "POST /infrastructure HTTP/1.1" 200 2662 "-" "okhttp/4.9.3"

jfernandezsqs commented 2 years ago

daps.crt was not set-up correctly. Fixed.