International-Data-Spaces-Association / omejdn-daps

Open Source implementation of the Dynamic Attribute Provisioning Service based on
Apache License 2.0
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Problem at ruby omejdn.rb statement #11

Closed aetxeberriasqs closed 2 years ago

aetxeberriasqs commented 2 years ago

The Problem

Problem at ruby omejdn.rb statement

My Setup

Followed the documentation until the said statement, installed the lattest version of ruby with

sudo apt-get install ruby-full

What I have done up front

i have followed the README until the ruby omjdn.rb step

What I expected to happen

not to appear an error message

What actually happened

the following error messages appeared:

sqs@Virtual-Ubuntu-20:~/DAPS-PRUEBA/omejdn-daps/omejdn-server$ ruby omejdn.rb
"No claim mappers available"
Traceback (most recent call last):
    6: from omejdn.rb:73:in `<main>'
    5: from omejdn.rb:43:in `adjust_config'
    4: from /home/sqs/DAPS-PRUEBA/omejdn-daps/omejdn-server/lib/config.rb:32:in `base_config'
    3: from /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:349:in `safe_load'
    2: from /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:390:in `parse'
    1: from /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:456:in `parse_stream'
/usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:456:in `parse': (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 11 column 3 (Psych::SyntaxError)

The quest of trying to solve it

What were the results of searching for the error on the internet?

there seems to be a problema with the ruby instalation or configuration

What is your best guess as to what might have happened?

no idea

bellebaum commented 2 years ago

Psych is a library for parsing YAML files. It seems to have encountered some sort of Syntax Error in the omejdn.rb file. Would you be so kind to provide it?

aetxeberriasqs commented 2 years ago


Is there a way to attach a file, i dont find the botton for so, meanwhile I attach it :

frozen_string_literal: true

require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'rack' require 'cgi'

require_relative './lib/client' require_relative './lib/config' require_relative './lib/user' require_relative './lib/token_helper' require_relative './lib/oauth_helper' require_relative './lib/user_db' require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/cookies'

require 'sinatra/cors'

require 'sinatra/activerecord' require 'securerandom' require 'json/jwt' require 'webrick' require 'webrick/https' require 'net/http' require 'bcrypt'

OMEJDN_LICENSE = 'Apache2.0'

def version return'.version').chomp if File.file? '.version'

'unknown' end

def debug Config.base_config['app_env'] != 'production' end

def my_path Config.base_config['host'] + Config.base_config['path_prefix'] end

def adjust_config

account for environment overrides

base_config = Config.base_config base_config['host'] = ENV['HOST'] || base_config['host'] base_config['path_prefix'] = ENV['OMEJDN_PATH_PREFIX'] || base_config['path_prefix'] || '' base_config['bind_to'] = ENV['BIND_TO'] || base_config['bind_to'] || '' base_config['allow_origin'] = ENV['ALLOW_ORIGIN'] || base_config['allow_origin'] || '*' base_config['app_env'] = ENV['APP_ENV'] || base_config['app_env'] || 'debug' base_config['accept_audience'] = ENV['OMEJDN_JWT_AUD_OVERRIDE'] || base_config['accept_audience'] || base_config['host'] Config.base_config = base_config end

def create_admin

Initialize admin user if given in ENV

return unless ENV['OMEJDN_ADMIN']

admin_name, admin_pw = ENV['OMEJDN_ADMIN'].split(':') p "Setting admin username #{admin_name}' and password#{admin_pw}'" if debug admin = User.find_by_id(admin_name) if admin.nil? admin = admin.username = admin_name admin.attributes = [{ 'key' => 'omejdn', 'value' => 'admin' }, { 'key' => 'name', 'value' => 'Admin' }] admin.password = BCrypt::Password.create(admin_pw) User.add_user(admin, base_config['user_backend_default']) else admin.password = BCrypt::Password.create(admin_pw) User.update_user(admin) end end adjust_config unless ENV['OMEJDN_IGNORE_ENV'] # We need this to not overwrite the config during tests create_admin unless ENV['OMEJDN_IGNORE_ENV']

configure do

Easier debugging for local tests

set :raise_errors, debug && !ENV['HOST'] set :show_exceptions, debug && ENV['HOST'] end

set :bind, Config.base_config['bind_to'] enable :sessions set :sessions, secure: (Config.base_config['host'].start_with? 'https://') set :session_store, Rack::Session::Pool

set :allow_origin, Config.base_config['allow_origin'] set :allow_methods, 'GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE' set :allow_headers, 'content-type,if-modified-since, authorization' set :expose_headers, 'location,link' set :allow_credentials, true

A User session dummy class. We probably want to use

a KV-store at some point

class UserSession @user_session = {} def self.get @user_session end end

The format of this cache data structure is:



=> {

:user => User,

:nonce => (optional)

:scopes => Requested scopes

:resources => Requested resources

:claims => claim parameter

:pkce => Code challenge

:pkce_method => Code challenge method


<authorization code #1> => {...},



A User session dummy class. We probably want to use

a KV-store at some point

class RequestCache @request_cache = {} def self.get @request_cache end end

before do headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = Config.base_config['allow_origin'] headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'content-type,if-modified-since, authorization' if request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS' options = (%w[HEAD GET POST PUT DELETE].reject do |verb| settings.routes[verb].select { |r, _c, _b| request.path_info == '*' || !r.match(request.path_info).nil? }.empty? end) halt 404 if options.empty? headers['Allow'] = options.join(',') headers['Content-Type'] ||= 'text/html' halt 200, options.join(',') end

Sinatra does not parse multiple values to params as arrays.

This line fixes this

params.merge!(CGI.parse(request.query_string).transform_values { |v| v.length == 1 ? v[0] : v })

return if request.get_header('HTTP_ORIGIN').nil? unless request.get_header('HTTP_ORIGIN').start_with?('chrome-extension://') || request.get_header('HTTP_ORIGIN').start_with?('moz-extension://') return end end

Handle token request

post '/token' do client = nil scopes = [] resources = [params['resource'] || []].flatten requested_token_claims = {}

if params[:grant_type] == 'client_credentials' if params[:client_assertion_type] != 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer' halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_request', 'Invalid client_assertion_type') end jwt = params[:client_assertion] halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_client', 'Assertion missing') if jwt.nil? client = Client.find_by_jwt jwt halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_client', 'Client unknown') if client.nil? scopes = client.filter_scopes(params[:scope]&.split) || [] resources = [Config.base_config['token']['audience']] if resources.empty? halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_target', '') unless client.resources_allowed? resources requested_token_claims = JSON.parse params[:claims] if params[:claims]

elsif (params[:grant_type] == 'authorization_code') && Config.base_config['openid'] code = params[:code]

Only verify PKCE if given in request

unless RequestCache.get[code][:pkce].nil?
  halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_request', 'Code verifier missing') if params[:code_verifier].nil?
  unless OAuthHelper.validate_pkce(RequestCache.get[code][:pkce],
    halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_request', 'Code verifier mismatch')
client = Client.find_by_id params[:client_id]
halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_client', 'No client_id given') if client.nil?
halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_code', '') if code.nil?
halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_code', '') unless RequestCache.get.keys.include?(code)
scopes = client.filter_scopes(params[:scope]&.split)
scopes = RequestCache.get[code][:scopes] || [] if scopes.empty?
halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_scope', '') unless scopes.reject do |s|
                                                                   RequestCache.get[code][:scopes].include? s
resources = RequestCache.get[code][:resources] if resources.empty?
halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_target', '') unless resources.reject do |r|
                                                                    RequestCache.get[code][:resources].include? r
requested_token_claims = RequestCache.get[code][:claims] || {}
requested_token_claims = JSON.parse params[:claims] if params[:claims]

else halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('unsupported_grant_type', "Given: #{params[:grant_type]}") end headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('access_denied', '') if scopes.empty? resources << ("#{Config.base_config['host']}/userinfo") if scopes.include? 'openid' resources << ("#{Config.base_config['host']}/api") unless { |s| s.start_with? 'omejdn:' }.empty?

requested_token_claims['id_token'] ||= {} requested_token_claims['access_token'] ||= {} requested_token_claims['id_token'].merge!(requested_token_claims[''] || {}) requested_token_claims['access_token'].merge!(requested_token_claims[''] || {}) begin user = nil user = RequestCache.get[code][:user] unless RequestCache.get[code].nil?

access_token = TokenHelper.build_access_token client, scopes, resources, user,
if scopes.include?('openid') && Config.base_config['openid']
  id_token = TokenHelper.build_id_token client, user,
                                        requested_token_claims['id_token'], scopes
# Delete the authorization code as it is single use
OAuthHelper.token_response access_token, scopes, id_token

rescue OAuth2Error halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_scope', '') end end

get '/.well-known/openid-configuration' do headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' p "Host #{Config.base_config['host']},#{my_path}" JSON.generate OAuthHelper.openid_configuration(Config.base_config['host'], my_path) end

Handle authorization request

get '/authorize' do halt 404 unless Config.base_config['openid'] session[:url_params] = params redirect to("#{my_path}/login") if session['user'].nil? user = nil unless params[:response_type] == 'code' halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('unsupported_response_type', "Given: #{params[:response_type]}") end

user = UserSession.get[session['user']] halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_user', '') if user.nil?

client = Client.find_by_id params['client_id'] halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_client') if client.nil?

session[:scopes] = [] scope_mapping = Config.scope_mapping_config

client.filter_scopes(params[:scope].split).each do |s| p "Checking scope #{s}"

session[:scopes].push(s) if s == 'openid'

# "key:value" scopes
if (s.include? ':') && user.claim?(s)

next if scope_mapping[s].nil? || (s.include? ':')

scope_mapping[s].each do |claim|
  next unless user.claim?(claim)


end p "Granted scopes: #{session[:scopes]}" p "The user seems to be #{user.username}" if debug

escaped_redir = CGI.unescape(params[:redirect_uri].gsub('%20', '+')) halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_redirect_uri', '') unless [client.redirect_uri, 'localhost'].any? do |uri| escaped_redir.include? uri end

session[:resources] = [params['resource'] || Config.base_config['token']['audience']].flatten halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_target') unless client.resources_allowed? session[:resources]

Seems to be in order

return haml :authorization_page, locals: { user: user, client: client, host: my_path, scopes: session[:scopes], scope_description: Config.scope_description_config } end

post '/authorize' do code = OAuthHelper.new_authz_code RequestCache.get[code] = {} RequestCache.get[code][:user] = UserSession.get[session['user']] RequestCache.get[code][:scopes] = session[:scopes] RequestCache.get[code][:resources] = session[:resources] RequestCache.get[code][:nonce] = session[:url_params][:nonce] RequestCache.get[code][:claims] = {} RequestCache.get[code][:claims] = JSON.parse session[:url_params]['claims'] if session[:url_params].key?('claims') unless session[:url_params][:code_challenge].nil? unless session[:url_params][:code_challenge_method] == 'S256' halt 400, OAuthHelper.error_response('invalid_request', 'Transform algorithm not supported') end

RequestCache.get[code][:pkce] = session[:url_params][:code_challenge]
RequestCache.get[code][:pkce_method] = session[:url_params][:code_challenge_method]

end redirect_uri = session[:url_params][:redirect_uri] resp = "?code=#{code}&state=#{session[:url_params][:state]}" redirect to(redirect_uri + resp) end

get '/.well-known/jwks.json' do headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' OAuthHelper.generate_jwks.to_json end

before '/userinfo' do @user = nil return if request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS'

jwt = env.fetch('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', '').slice(7..-1) halt 401 if jwt.nil? || jwt.empty? begin key = Server.load_key @token = JWT.decode jwt, key.public_key, true, { algorithm: Config.base_config['token']['algorithm'] } @user = User.find_by_id(@token[0]['sub']) halt 403 unless [@token[0]['aud']].flatten.include?("#{Config.base_config['host']}/userinfo") rescue StandardError => e p e if debug @user = nil end halt 401 if @user.nil? end

get '/userinfo' do headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' JSON.generate OAuthHelper.userinfo(@user, @token) end

########## LOGIN/LOGOUT ##################

get '/logout' do session['user'] = nil redirect_uri = params['post_logout_redirect_uri'] || "#{my_path}/login" redirect to(redirect_uri) end

post '/logout' do session['user'] = nil redirect_uri = params['post_logout_redirect_uri'] || "#{my_path}/login" redirect to(redirect_uri) end


This should use a more generic way to select the OP to use

get '/login' do config = Config.oauth_provider_config providers = [] unless config == false config&.each do |provider| url = URI(provider['authorization_endpoint']) params = { client_id: provider['client_id'], scope: provider['scopes'], redirect_uri: provider['redirect_uri'], response_type: provider['response_type'] } url.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) providers.push({ url: url.to_s, name: provider['name'], logo: provider['logo'] }) end end no_password_login = Config.base_config['no_password_login'] || false return haml :login, locals: { no_password_login: no_password_login, host: my_path, providers: providers } end

post '/login' do user = User.find_by_id(params[:username]) redirect to("#{my_path}/login?error=\"Not a valid user.\"") if user.nil? redirect to("#{my_path}/login?error=\"Credentials incorrect\"") unless User.verify_credential(user, params[:password]) nonce = rand(2**512) UserSession.get[nonce] = user session['user'] = nonce if session[:url_params].nil? redirect to("#{my_path}/login") else redirect to("#{my_path}/authorize?#{URI.encode_www_form(session[:url_params]).gsub('+', '%20')}") end end


This should also be more generic and use the correct OP

get '/oauth_cb' do oauth_providers = Config.oauth_provider_config code = params[:code] at = nil provider_index = 0 oauth_providers.each do |provider| break if provider['name'] == params[:provider]

provider_index += 1

end uri = URI(oauth_providers[provider_index]['token_endpoint']) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| req = req.set_form_data('code' => code, 'client_id' => oauth_providers[provider_index]['client_id'], 'client_secret' => oauth_providers[provider_index]['client_secret'], 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri' => oauth_providers[provider_index]['redirect_uri']) res = http.request req at = JSON.parse(res.body)['access_token'] end return 'Unauthorized' if at.nil?

user = nil nonce = rand(2**512) uri = URI(oauth_providers[provider_index]['userinfo_endpoint']) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| req = req['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{at}" res = http.request req user = User.generate_extern_user(oauth_providers[provider_index], JSON.parse(res.body)) end return 'Internal Error' if user.username.nil?

UserSession.get[nonce] = user session['user'] = nonce redirect to(my_path) if session[:url_params].nil? # This is actually an error redirect to("#{my_path}/authorize?#{URI.encode_www_form(session[:url_params])}") end

########## User Selfservice ##########

after '/api/v1/*' do headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end

before '/api/v1/*' do return if request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS'

begin jwt = env.fetch('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', '').slice(7..-1) halt 401 if jwt.nil? || jwt.empty? token = JWT.decode(jwt, Server.load_key.public_key, true, { algorithm: Config.base_config['token']['algorithm'] }) halt 403 unless [token[0]['aud']].flatten.include?("#{Config.base_config['host']}/api") @scopes = token[0]['scope'].split @user_is_admin = (@scopes.include? 'omejdn:admin') @user_may_write = (@scopes.include? 'omejdn:write') || @user_is_admin @user_may_read = (@scopes.include? 'omejdn:read') || @user_may_write @user = User.find_by_id token[0]['sub'] @client = Client.find_by_id token[0]['sub'] rescue StandardError => e p e if debug halt 401 end end

before '/api/v1/user*' do @selfservice_config = Config.base_config['user_selfservice'] halt 403 unless !@selfservice_config.nil? && @selfservice_config['enabled'] halt 403 unless request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' ? @user_may_read : @user_may_write halt 401 if @user.nil? end

get '/api/v1/user' do halt 200, { 'username' => @user.username, 'attributes' => @user.attributes }.to_json end

put '/api/v1/user' do editable = @selfservice_config['editable_attributes'] || [] updated_user = updated_user.username = @user.username updated_user.attributes = [] JSON.parse(['attributes'].each do |e| updated_user.attributes << e if editable.include? e['key'] end User.update_user updated_user halt 204 end

delete '/api/v1/user' do halt 403 unless @selfservice_config['allow_deletion'] User.delete_user(@user.username) halt 204 end

put '/api/v1/user/password' do halt 403 unless @selfservice_config['allow_password_change'] json = (JSON.parse current_password = json['currentPassword'] new_password = json['newPassword'] unless User.verify_credential(@user, current_password) halt 403, { 'passwordChange' => 'not successfull, password incorrect' } end User.change_password(@user, new_password) halt 204 end

get '/api/v1/user/provider' do

TODO: We probably do not want to send out the entire provider including secrets

to any user with API access

halt 404 if @user.extern.nil? providers = Config.oauth_provider_config providers.each do |provider| next unless provider['name'] == @user.extern

return JSON.generate provider

end halt 404 end

########## ADMIN API ##################

before '/api/v1/config/*' do halt 403 unless @user_is_admin halt 401 if @client.nil? && @user.nil? end


get '/api/v1/config/users' do halt 200, JSON.generate(User.all_users) end

post '/api/v1/config/users' do json = JSON.parse user = User.from_json(json) User.add_user(user, json['userBackend'] || Config.base_config['user_backend_default']) halt 201 end

get '/api/v1/config/users/:username' do user = User.find_by_id params['username'] halt 404 if user.nil? halt 200, { 'username' => user.username, 'password' => user.password, 'attributes' => user.attributes }.to_json end

put '/api/v1/config/users/:username' do user = User.find_by_id params['username'] halt 404 if user.nil? updated_user = User.from_json(JSON.parse( updated_user.username = user.username oauth_providers = Config.oauth_provider_config User.update_user(updated_user, oauth_providers) halt 204 end

delete '/api/v1/config/users/:username' do user_found = User.delete_user(params['username']) halt 404 unless user_found halt 204 end

put '/api/v1/config/users/:username/password' do user = User.find_by_id params['username'] halt 404 if user.nil? json = (JSON.parse User.change_password(user, json['newPassword']) halt 204 end


get '/api/v1/config/clients' do JSON.generate Config.client_config end

put '/api/v1/config/clients' do clients = [] JSON.parse( do |c| client = client.client_id = c['client_id'] = c['name'] client.attributes = c['attributes'] client.allowed_scopes = c['allowed_scopes'] client.redirect_uri = c['redirect_uri'] client.allowed_resources = c['allowed_resources'] clients << client end Config.client_config = clients halt 204 end

post '/api/v1/config/clients' do client = Client.from_json(JSON.parse( clients = Client.load_clients clients << client Config.client_config = clients halt 201 end

get '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id' do client = Client.find_by_id params['client_id'] halt 404 if client.nil? halt 200, client.to_dict.to_json end

put '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id' do json = JSON.parse( clients = Client.load_clients clients.each do |stored_client| next if stored_client.client_id != params['client_id'] = json['name'] unless json['name'].nil?
stored_client.attributes = json['attributes'] unless json['attributes'].nil?
stored_client.allowed_scopes = json['allowed_scopes'] unless json['allowed_scopes'].nil?
stored_client.redirect_uri = json['redirect_uri'] unless json['redirect_uri'].nil?
Config.client_config = clients
halt 204

end halt 404 end

delete '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id' do clients = Client.load_clients clients.each do |stored_client| next unless stored_client.client_id.eql?(params['client_id'])

Config.client_config = clients
halt 204

end halt 404 end

Client Keys

get '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id/keys' do client = Client.find_by_id params['client_id'] halt 404 if client.nil? certificate = client.certificate halt 404 if certificate.nil? halt 200, JSON.generate({ 'certificate' => client.certificate.to_s }) end

put '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id/keys' do client = Client.find_by_id params['client_id'] halt 404 if client.nil? client.certificate = JSON.parse(['certificate'] halt 204 end

post '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id/keys' do client = Client.find_by_id params['client_id'] halt 404 if client.nil? client.certificate = JSON.parse(['certificate'] halt 201 end

delete '/api/v1/config/clients/:client_id/keys' do client = Client.find_by_id params['client_id'] halt 404 if client.nil? client.certificate = nil halt 204 end

Config files

get '/api/v1/config/omejdn' do halt 200, JSON.generate(Config.base_config) end

put '/api/v1/config/omejdn' do Config.base_config = JSON.parse halt 204 end

get '/api/v1/config/user_backend' do halt 200, JSON.generate(Config.user_backend_config) end

put '/api/v1/config/user_backend' do Config.user_backend_config = JSON.parse halt 204 end

get '/api/v1/config/webfinger' do halt 200, JSON.generate(Config.webfinger_config) end

put '/api/v1/config/webfinger' do Config.webfinger_config = JSON.parse halt 204 end

get '/api/v1/config/oauth_providers' do halt 200, JSON.generate(Config.oauth_provider_config) end

put '/api/v1/config/oauth_providers' do Config.oauth_provider_config = JSON.parse halt 204 end

get '/api/v1/config/oauth_providers/:provider' do providers = Config.oauth_provider_config providers.each do |provider| next unless provider['name'] == params['provider']

return JSON.generate provider

end halt 404 end

post '/api/v1/config/oauth_providers/:provider' do new_provider = JSON.parse providers = Config.oauth_provider_config providers.push(new_provider) Config.oauth_provider_config = providers halt 201 end

put '/api/v1/config/oauth_providers/:provider' do updated_provider = JSON.parse providers = Config.oauth_provider_config providers.each do |provider| next unless provider['name'] == updated_provider['name']

providers[providers.index(provider)] = updated_provider
Config.oauth_provider_config = providers
halt 200

end halt 404 end

delete '/api/v1/config/oauth_providers/:provider' do providers = Config.oauth_provider_config providers.each do |provider| next unless provider['name'] == params['provider']

Config.oauth_provider_config = providers
halt 200

end halt 404 end

get '/.well-known/webfinger' do halt 400 if params[:resource].nil?

res = CGI.unescape(params[:resource].gsub('%20', '+')) halt 400 unless res.start_with? 'acct:'

email = res[5..-1] Config.webfingerconfig.each do |wfhost, | next unless email.end_with? "@#{wfhost}"

return JSON.generate(
    subject: "acct:#{email}",
    properties: {},
    links: [
        rel: '',
        href: my_path

end halt 404 end

get '/about' do headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return JSON.generate({ 'version' => version, 'license' => OMEJDN_LICENSE }) end

bellebaum commented 2 years ago

sorry, my mistake. I meant omejdn.yml, not .rb

aetxeberriasqs commented 2 years ago

Here it is:

# Replace all 3 occurences of "" with the server's URI
host: http://localhost:4567
accept_audience: idsc:IDS_CONNECTORS_ALL
openid: false
  expiration: 3600
  signing_key: daps.key
  algorithm: RS256
  audience: idsc:IDS_CONNECTORS_ALL
  expiration: 3600
  signing_key: daps.key
  algorithm: RS256
  issuer: http://localhost:4567

- yaml
user_backend_default: yaml

# User Selfservice API
  enabled: false
  allow_deletion: false
  allow_password_change: false
  editable_attributes: []
aetxeberriasqs commented 2 years ago

host: http://localhost:4567 accept_audience: idsc:IDS_CONNECTORS_ALL openid: false token: expiration: 3600 signing_key: daps.key algorithm: RS256 audience: idsc:IDS_CONNECTORS_ALL issuer:http://localhost:4567 id_token: expiration: 3600 signing_key: daps.key algorithm: RS256 issuer: http://localhost:4567


User Selfservice API

user_selfservice: enabled: false allow_deletion: false allow_password_change: false editable_attributes: []

bellebaum commented 2 years ago

From your initial issue description:

/usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:456:in `parse': (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 11 column 3 (Psych::SyntaxError)

The parser mentioned line 11, so let us look there:


Apparently it cannot find the : character. Why could this be? The file is written in YAML, so let's check the spec:

And indeed:

Mappings use a colon and space (“: ”) to mark each key/value pair.

Hence: You are missing the space after the colon. That is what causes the error. Closing.

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