InternationalScratchWiki / ScratchWikiSkin2

Skin for the Scratch Wiki.
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Table makes page overflow on the right #43

Closed Ascor8522 closed 5 years ago

Ascor8522 commented 5 years ago

Here we go again,

Same problem than Issue#42

On a small screen, when there is a WikiTable (table) in the page, it sometimes overflows on the right side, leaving a huge scrollable blank space.

See below (Google Chrome mobile device emulator) Taken from FlashPlayer/bugs on Fr Scratch Wiki. image

Could be solved by setting table as flex when on mobile. Just one line of CSS is needed and it works...

table {
display: flex;
Kenny2github commented 5 years ago

display: flex does this: image And this is not an issue I intend to fix. Tables sometimes even overflow on desktop! There is no good fix for it. Only solution is to allow scrolling of the content box itself, which I have already done. Closing as wontfix.

Ascor8522 commented 5 years ago

Oh, forgot to mention,

you also have to add

overflow-x: scroll;

and it looks good ;) image

Ascor8522 commented 5 years ago

Same for ScratchBlocks,


Fixed with

code .blocks {
    overflow-x: scroll;
    display: flex;
Kenny2github commented 5 years ago

Neither are truly "fixed", it only pushes the problem to somewhere else. This really isn't worth fixing.