Internetworkexpert / INE-VIRL

INE VIRL Topologies & Initial Configs
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Unable to connect to network devices from Cisco DevNet VIRL sandbox lab - CCIE.Elv1.Bootcamp repository #25

Closed Thskr closed 4 years ago

Thskr commented 4 years ago

The VIRL sandbox lab server inside Cisco DevNet is not able to connect to devices in the VIRL files from the CCIE.Elv1.Bootcamp repository.

It looks like the management IP adresses has to be inside the pre-defined IP ranges inside the VIRL sandbox server.

Error message : Jul/14/2020 22:32:13 | ERROR | Failed to start simulation "CCIE.Enterprise.Infrastructure.Bootcamp.BGP.Solutions-GJ0G9K": OpenStack call to Network2_0.create_ports received invalid response status 400 (Bad Request) with error "InvalidIpForNetwork: IP address is not a valid IP for any of the subnets on the specified network."