Internetworkexpert / INE-VIRL

INE VIRL Topologies & Initial Configs
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Full scale lab1 and Troubleshooting lab 3 not working #8

Open adrianfer opened 7 years ago

adrianfer commented 7 years ago

I am just using the full scale and the troubleshooting labs. I only found problems with those two. The problem is the same in both cases: only 2 routers respond, the rest do not respond, not even when doing telnet to the console.

ximokb commented 5 years ago

This appears to be a bug with IOSv 15.3.6 under Virl 1.5. I was able to resolve the bootup issue by removing or disabling ip http secure-server in the config.

My experience is that if IOSv has 'ip http secure-server' present at boot time it will hang and never finish booting. You can edit the virl file in bulk with an advanced text editor (notepad2 on Windows) and replace all instances of ^ip http secure-server with no ip http secure-server

ximokb commented 5 years ago

In addition, IOSv seems to hang at various points while trying to process some of the CSR1k specific config (interface GigabitEthernet2, licensing, virtual-service csr, etc)

The behavior I observe is that some sections do not get consistently loaded into config correctly if at all (router ospf in particular - This makes doing the Tshoot WAAAAY harder than expected).

Eliminating the following sections from configurations appears to resolve these specific bootup issues for Tshoot Lab 3:

 no platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core
 platform console serial
 subscriber templating
 interface GigabitEthernet2
 virtual-service csr_mgmt

router ospf [instance]
 fast-reroute per-prefix enable prefix-priority low