Interoperable-data / ERA-Ontology-3.1.0

Extended version of the ERA Railway Infrastructure Ontology
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A need for spot location on LinearElement #37

Open wsw2016 opened 3 weeks ago

wsw2016 commented 3 weeks ago

As claimed in issue #36 having a microscopic linear element would allow precise positioning of functional elements and geometry. The next step would require a class for this. In RSM/RTM and RailML the class SpotLocation is used for this purpose s.

To enforce precision positioning on topology we would need something like MicroSpotLocation having objectProperty microLinearElement, pos (or offset) on it. Defining SpotLocation on higher abstraction levels hardly serve any use-case as non-precise information (a Balise B1 is at offset=20.234 km on a LinearElement connecting Berlin and Hamburg).

Airy59 commented 2 weeks ago

A spot location at MACRO level definitely makes sense (e.g. a train stop on a line) but is not a relevant use case for CCS/TMS.

I'd recommend NOT to specialize location classes per level, as this is not necessary. A location refers to a net element, and a net element belongs to one (or more) representation levels. That is how the RTM/RSM standard works.

gatemezing commented 2 weeks ago

Dear @wsw2016, let me give it a try with the example you gave of the balise. I suppose it is an era:InfrastructureObject. See below a Turtle representation on how it can be instantiated.

@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix era: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix gsp: <> .
@prefix sf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

    :B1 a era:Balise, era:InfrastructureObject ;
         era:hasTopology :Topo1 ;
         era:hasPosition [ a era:Position ; 
                           era:carrierObject :T1;
                           era:referent :R1] .

    :R1 a era:Referent;
          era:nationalLine "Berlin-Hambourg" ;
          era:nationalLineId "0080" ; 
          era:kilometer "20.234"^^xsd:double.

    :Topo1 a era:TopologicalObject;
       era:location [ a era:SpotLocation; 
                        gsp:hasGeometry :Loc1 ] .

    :Loc1 a sf:Point;
       geo:lat "51.31"^^xsd:double;
       geo:long "13.24"^^xsd:double .