Interoperable-data / ERA-Ontology-3.1.0

Extended version of the ERA Railway Infrastructure Ontology
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Remaining typos in ontology.ttl (to be corrected at later date) #38

Open Certiman opened 3 weeks ago

Certiman commented 3 weeks ago

RINF indices

Class era:ETCSLevel

We have:

era:etcsLevel rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
              rdfs:domain era:CCSSubsystem ;
              rdfs:range era:ETCSLevel ; 


era:etcsLevelType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                  rdfs:domain era:ETCSLevel ;
                  rdfs:range <> ; 

As the only property starting from that class, apart from era:etcsBaseline.

It can be questioned why like all other properties, this intermediary is still used, and we do not link directly from CCSSubsystem. Or inversely, whether we do not have all the ETCS Level related parameters to start from there instead of era:CCSSubsystem.

Further linking to TSI's

dcterms:source <> should be added on all the parameters with a link to the TSI CCS. Other properties with a link to the TSI should also be using this property as it is the 'Reference' in the technical annex.

Reason of deprecated for class era:VehicleKeeper

These classes are deprecated because of the usage of roles. This explanation should be taken from era:Manufacturer: "Replaced by the era:Body class and era:manufacturer property."

Certiman commented 3 weeks ago

Typo: ammendment should be amendment.

Certiman commented 2 weeks ago

Parameters expressing location

The following parameters are only linked through the era:kilometer and era:length properties, while they do not exist as separate