Interoperable-data / ERA-Ontology-3.1.0

Extended version of the ERA Railway Infrastructure Ontology
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remove rdfs:Literal #68

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 6 days ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 days ago

rdfs:Literal is a very unspecific datatype and shouldn't be used.

Remove it from the first rinfIndex value here:

era:frenchTrainDetectionSystemLimitationApplicable rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                                                   era:rinfIndex ""^^rdfs:Literal ,
                                                                 "" ;

(Note to self: it's also used as range of foaf:name, dcterms:identifier but that comes from the original ontologies, so can be left alone)

Interoperable-data commented 3 days ago

Yes, it is also to be consistent with the rest of the values for this annotation property