Interoperable-data / ERA-Ontology-3.1.0

Extended version of the ERA Railway Infrastructure Ontology
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TemporalFeature and its usage #9

Open Airy59 opened 2 months ago

Airy59 commented 2 months ago

Introducing TemporalFeature, as a subclass to time:TemporalEntity and time:TemporalDuration, is a most interesting move.

The way it is (or is not) used raises questions.

In the case of topology: only Navigability has a property era:validity with range era:TemporalFeature. This should also apply to net elements (topology is not frozen for all times, and handling successive versions from inside the model is recommended). Maybe a common superclass for both NetElement and Navigability would make sense; it could be TopologicalObject provided that the locations are managed independently from topology (see other issue).

In the case of technical characteristics: you use era:Applicability as a subclass to establish a relationship between an infra object and its technical characteristics. This is broadly correct, and expresses the fact that a technical characteristic may be time-dependent. But, getting into more detail:

The packaging of characteristics is well in line with yearly RINF releases, but if update frequency changes to daily, that bundling may become a burden.