Interrupt / delverengine

Delver game engine and editor
zlib License
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Add Formater And/Or Linter #102

Closed PythooonUser closed 3 years ago

PythooonUser commented 4 years ago


As the project ventures into the realms of open-source it encounters many different developers using a variety of operating systems, editors and naming conventions (and {} bracket style religions).

Therefore, and also to remove any whitespace wars, the project could adopt a global editor configuration and linter/formatter solution.


There might be others, maybe more Java related, please add to the list.

PythooonUser commented 4 years ago

Interesting to note: Prettier is an opiniated formatter. Therefore, it takes away the decision of a certain style :D

evrimoztamur commented 4 years ago

I think the primary constituents of a styling convention for us would concern tabs/spaces and bracket styling. If we are to use a standard procedure then I vote for Editor Config (because it comes with default support for the IntelliJ suite).