IntersectMBO / cardano-api

Cardano API
Apache License 2.0
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Add mention about when to merge release PR #576

Closed carbolymer closed 2 months ago

carbolymer commented 2 months ago


- description: |
    Add mention about when to merge release PR.
    Move tagging section after CHaPing.
    Add build badges to
# uncomment types applicable to the change:
  # - feature        # introduces a new feature
  # - breaking       # the API has changed in a breaking way
  # - compatible     # the API has changed but is non-breaking
  # - optimisation   # measurable performance improvements
  # - refactoring    # QoL changes
  # - bugfix         # fixes a defect
  # - test           # fixes/modifies tests
  # - maintenance    # not directly related to the code
  # - release        # related to a new release preparation
   - documentation  # change in code docs, haddocks...




palas commented 2 months ago

FYI: Because we now enforce the use of cabal-gild to format cabal files and, in order to reduce the amount of hassle, I have cherry-picked the appropriate commit into your PR. This will make the cabal-gild CI check pass for the PR. The commit should be discarded automatically as soon as you either rebase or merge the PR (since it is already in the main branch). Feel free to discard it if you want, but that will make the new required action to fail until you rebase.

palas commented 2 months ago

FYI: I have rebased your branch because we have done changes to the formatting. I have made a copy of the unrebased branch here: backup/mgalazyn/doc/add-tips-to-releasing-doc