IntersectMBO / cardano-cli

This repository contains sources for the command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with the Cardano blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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Voting for script based CC members and script based DReps #661

Closed CarlosLopezDeLara closed 6 months ago

CarlosLopezDeLara commented 6 months ago


We need to expand cardano-cli conway governance vote create with the ability to produce votes for script-based governance actors "CC" and "DREPs"




So that we have:

 cardano-cli conway governance vote create (--yes | --no | --abstain)
                                                   --governance-action-tx-id TXID
                                                   --governance-action-index WORD32
                                                   ( --drep-verification-key STRING
                                                   | --drep-verification-key-file FILE
                                                   | --drep-key-hash HASH
                                                   | --drep-script-hash 
                                                   | --stake-pool-verification-key STRING
                                                   | --cold-verification-key-file FILE
                                                   | --stake-pool-id STAKE_POOL_ID
                                                   | --cc-hot-verification-key STRING
                                                   | --cc-hot-verification-key-file FILE
                                                   | --cc-hot-key-hash STRING
                                                   | --cc-hot-script-hash HASH
                                                   [--anchor-url TEXT
                                                     --anchor-data-hash HASH]
                                                   --out-file FILE

CDDL reference:

voting_procedures = { + voter => { + gov_action_id => voting_procedure } }

; Constitutional Committee Hot KeyHash: 0
; Constitutional Committee Hot ScriptHash: 1
; DRep KeyHash: 2
; DRep ScriptHash: 3
; StakingPool KeyHash: 4
voter =
  [ 0, addr_keyhash
  // 1, scripthash
  // 2, addr_keyhash
  // 3, scripthash
  // 4, addr_keyhash