IntersectMBO / cardano-cli

This repository contains sources for the command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with the Cardano blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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CI: release Darwin binaries #735

Closed smelc closed 4 months ago

smelc commented 4 months ago


- description: |
    CI: release Darwin binaries
# uncomment types applicable to the change:
  # - feature        # introduces a new feature
  # - breaking       # the API has changed in a breaking way
  # - compatible     # the API has changed but is non-breaking
  # - optimisation   # measurable performance improvements
  # - improvement    # QoL changes e.g. refactoring
  # - bugfix         # fixes a defect
  # - test           # fixes/modifies tests
  # - maintenance    # not directly related to the code
  - release        # related to a new release preparation
  # - documentation  # change in code docs, haddocks...


Additional context for the PR goes here. If the PR fixes a particular issue please provide a link to the issue.

How to trust this PR

This pipeline run shows an execution of this new pipeline. It was triggered like this:

gh workflow run "Release Upload" -r $(git branch --show-current) -f target_tag=1b35eec4cfda3756ba0bca7d6249691bcf7b1829

It targets 1b35eec4cfda3756ba0bca7d6249691bcf7b1829, which is one of the only commits that had the Hydra builds running (see for more context).

On the considered pipeline run, you can see the new binaries being attached:


You can download the binaries and run file on them, you'll observe they have the expected architecture:

> unzip
> file cardano-cli-x86_64-darwin
cardano-cli-x86_64-darwin: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags:<NOUNDEFS|DYLDLINK|TWOLEVEL|WEAK_DEFINES|BINDS_TO_WEAK|PIE|HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS>
> unzip
> file cardano-cli-aarch64-darwin
cardano-cli-aarch64-darwin: Mach-O 64-bit arm64 executable, flags:<NOUNDEFS|DYLDLINK|TWOLEVEL|WEAK_DEFINES|BINDS_TO_WEAK|PIE|HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS>

Note that I couldn't test the tail of the pipeline (create_release job), because we don't have a tagged commit on which the Hydra Darwin jobs have run (yet). It's fine: we will test it when we tag the next release and I can fix the pipeline at the time, and rerun it manually (possible because it has workflow_dispatch and support for targetting a commit different from the one it's being executed on).
