IntersectMBO / cardano-cli

This repository contains sources for the command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with the Cardano blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 13 forks source link

release-upload: create file with checksums of binaries #762

Closed smelc closed 3 months ago

smelc commented 3 months ago


- description: |
    release-upload: create file with checksums of binaries
# uncomment types applicable to the change:
  # - feature        # introduces a new feature
  # - breaking       # the API has changed in a breaking way
  # - compatible     # the API has changed but is non-breaking
  # - optimisation   # measurable performance improvements
  # - refactoring    # QoL changes
  # - bugfix         # fixes a defect
  # - test           # fixes/modifies tests
  # - maintenance    # not directly related to the code
  - release        # related to a new release preparation
  # - documentation  # change in code docs, haddocks...



How to trust this PR

Release was created by the pipeline of this PR (thanks to a manual execution with gh workflow run "Release Upload" -r smelc/add-checksums-to-releases -f target_tag=cardano-cli-
