IntersectMBO / cardano-db-sync

A component that follows the Cardano chain and stores blocks and transactions in PostgreSQL
Apache License 2.0
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Property based testing for db-sync #1115

Open kderme opened 2 years ago

kderme commented 2 years ago

ledger recently extended its property based testing. They can generate txs chains for Babbage and for StandardCrypto. This means we can probably use them in db-sync. It would require grouping and wrapping these transactions in blocks, using the Interpreter and then pass blocks to the mock chainsync server. block headers affect part of the ledger though, so this may not be trivial to do.

kderme commented 1 year ago

state-maching property base testing has been in, for empty or almost empty blocks. They can be extended with the ledger generators

marshada commented 1 year ago

N.B. this refers to Input generators for DBSync properties instead of Ledger properties. This is a large scope and should be an EPIC or broken down into small issues.