IntersectMBO / cardano-db-sync

A component that follows the Cardano chain and stores blocks and transactions in PostgreSQL
Apache License 2.0
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Convert Handling SyncEnv via an MTL #1719

Open Cmdv opened 1 month ago

Cmdv commented 1 month ago


Just had a go at converting handling our SyncEnv via an MTL. Been having trouble when trying to log something whilst debugging and it always involves passing along SyncEnv through all the functions. Also it can be quite a pain to pass SyncEnv + Trace IO Text all the time:

It's quite nice to use, here's an example:

fnc :: App (Bool)
fnc = do
  syncEnv <- ask
  epochState <- asks envEpochState
  pure True

Got a bunch of helper functions that can be used when in the App monad:

-- | Get `Trace` from the `SyncEnv`.
askTrace :: App (Trace IO Text)

-- | Get `Ledger.Network` from the `SyncEnv`.
askNetwork :: App Ledger.Network

-- | Get `InsertOptions` from the `SyncEnv`.
askInsertOptions :: App InsertOptions

There's one error I can't work out how it happened but in /Config/Cardano.hs saying that there is an instance missing when trying to use protocolInfoCardano:

mkProtocolInfoCardano ::
  GenesisConfig ->
  [Consensus.ShelleyLeaderCredentials StandardCrypto] -> -- this is not empty only in tests
  (ProtocolInfo CardanoBlock, IO [BlockForging IO CardanoBlock])
mkProtocolInfoCardano genesisConfig shelleyCred =
      { paramsByron =


  No instance for (Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.SupportsProtocol.LedgerSupportsProtocol
                            (Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.TPraos.TPraos StandardCrypto)
        arising from a use of ‘protocolInfoCardano’