IntersectMBO / cardano-launcher

Shelley cardano-node and cardano-wallet launcher for NodeJS applications
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 9 forks source link

Add dist folder in publish package #127

Closed danielmain closed 2 years ago

danielmain commented 2 years ago

In order to keep "dist" folder in the package, I added .npmignore so that .gitignore is not used in the publishing.

danielmain commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Was there something wrong with the package? When I ran npm publish . --dry-run it seemed to have all the files in dist/src.

Hi @rvl

Because of this: Use a .npmignore file to keep stuff out of your package. If there's no .npmignore file, but there is a .gitignore file, then npm will ignore the stuff matched by the .gitignore file source

dist folder was not included in the package

danielmain commented 2 years ago

Here was the result without the dist folder


rvl commented 2 years ago

OK fair enough. I now see what happened from the CI build log.

This is what I saw locally, which is strange:

rodney@tethys:~/iohk/cardano-launcher % npm publish . --dry-run                                                                                            [master|…13]
npm notice 
npm notice 📦  cardano-launcher@0.20211027.0
npm notice === Tarball Contents === 
npm notice 99B    bin/cardano-launcher             
npm notice 11.4kB LICENSE                          
npm notice 545B   LICENSE_NOTICE                   
npm notice 9.2kB  dist/src/cardanoLauncher.js      
npm notice 5.4kB  dist/src/cardanoNode.js          
npm notice 4.8kB  dist/src/cardanoWallet.js        
npm notice 4.1kB  dist/src/cli.js                  
npm notice 763B   dist/src/common.js               
npm notice 951B   dist/src/index.js                
npm notice 2.3kB  dist/src/loggers.js              
npm notice 769B   dist/src/logging.js              
npm notice 11.2kB dist/src/service.js              
npm notice 108B   dist/src/tls.js                  
npm notice 461B   dist/src/walletApi.js            
npm notice 1.9kB  package.json                     
npm notice 1.9kB  dist/src/
npm notice 6.5kB  dist/src/  
npm notice 1.5kB  dist/src/    
npm notice 3.6kB  dist/src/      
npm notice 1.2kB  dist/src/  
npm notice 2.8kB  dist/src/    
npm notice 214B   dist/src/            
npm notice 3.0kB  dist/src/              
npm notice 350B   dist/src/         
npm notice 567B   dist/src/           
npm notice 256B   dist/src/          
npm notice 206B   dist/src/            
npm notice 823B   dist/src/        
npm notice 1.5kB  dist/src/          
npm notice 499B   dist/src/        
npm notice 912B   dist/src/          
npm notice 1.8kB  dist/src/        
npm notice 8.3kB  dist/src/          
npm notice 249B   dist/src/            
npm notice 101B   dist/src/              
npm notice 466B   dist/src/      
npm notice 469B   dist/src/        
npm notice 3.8kB                        
npm notice 2.0kB  dist/src/cardanoLauncher.d.ts    
npm notice 1.4kB  dist/src/cardanoNode.d.ts        
npm notice 1.2kB  dist/src/cardanoWallet.d.ts      
npm notice 155B   dist/src/cli.d.ts                
npm notice 310B   dist/src/common.d.ts             
npm notice 238B   dist/src/index.d.ts              
npm notice 697B   dist/src/loggers.d.ts            
npm notice 383B   dist/src/logging.d.ts            
npm notice 1.8kB  dist/src/service.d.ts            
npm notice 179B   dist/src/tls.d.ts                
npm notice 398B   dist/src/walletApi.d.ts          
npm notice === Tarball Details === 
npm notice name:          cardano-launcher                        
npm notice version:       0.20211027.0                            
npm notice package size:  26.6 kB                                 
npm notice unpacked size: 103.5 kB                                
npm notice shasum:        6093debed8a00e982f095143dc3f8f3194216c92
npm notice integrity:     sha512-mLwuCbeUgQXjl[...]t/mJlrYA3c2IA==
npm notice total files:   49                                      
npm notice 
+ cardano-launcher@0.20211027.0
rvl commented 2 years ago

The windows CI failure is just because cardano-node seems to not exit properly sometimes. :smile: