IntersectMBO / cardano-transactions

Library utilities for constructing and signing Cardano transactions.
Apache License 2.0
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Invalid option `--base16' #30

Open edwardtam919 opened 3 years ago

edwardtam919 commented 3 years ago

Tried to call this:

cat shelley_phrase.prv \
   | cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shelley \
   | cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 --base16

but got error:

Invalid option '--base16'

Usage: cardano-address ((-v|--version) | COMMAND)
  Command-line for address and key manipulation in Cardano.

Is the --base16 still supported? I am using

3.5.0 @ 9fe7084c9c53b9edf3eba34ee8459c896734ac7a


rvl commented 3 years ago

Hi @edwardtam919, there is no --base16 switch in cardano-address (any more). You can pipe the output through the bech32 utility to get hex. Like this:

cat shelley_phrase.prv \
    | cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shelley \
    | cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 \
    | bech32