Closed WhatisRT closed 7 months ago
Adding additional new properties is out of scope of this task.
I unchecked the first two items because, although I made the required changes to the type definitions, these changes break things which I will need to fix before the items can be rightfully checked off.
Status of Item 1.
I am able to change TxOut = Addr × Value × Maybe DataHash
to TxOut = Addr × Value × Maybe (Datum ⊎ DataHash)
, and Everything
type-checks, once I change the definition of TxOut
in Ledger.Foreign.LedgerTypes
to TxOut = Pair Addr $ Pair Coin $ Maybe (Either Datum DataHash)
However, when I try to expand the definition of TxOut
to TxOut = Addr × Value × Maybe (Datum ⊎ DataHash) × Maybe Script
, I get an error in HSLedger
indicating that there's no F.Script
I took a stab at defining a Convertible-Script
type in Foreign.HSLedger
like this:
Convertible-Script : Convertible Script F.Script
Convertible-Script = λ where
.to → λ where (inj₁ p1s) → p1s
(inj₂ p2s) → p2s
.from s → inj₂ s
(just a guess, based on the definition of Script
in Ledger.Script
, Script = P1Script ⊎ P2Script
but I must also define Script
in Ledger.Foreign.LedgerTypes
and I'm not sure how to do that. From type-checking error messages I'm getting, I suppose Script
should have type Ledger.Script.Timelock crypto epochStructure
. Does this mean we need an Haskell translation for the Timelock
At the moment we don't have scripts in the Haskell interface and I wouldn't worry about that now. Just use ⊥
@WhatisRT I'm not sure how to use ⊥
for Script
If I define Script = ⊥
in Ledger.Foreign.LedgerTypes
, then, inside {-# FOREIGN GHC ... #-}
, do I write type Script = ()
? That seems like a contradiction. Haskell has no empty or "bottom" type, correct?
Perhaps you meant, "just use Script = ⊤
" (and type Script = ()
If, in LedgerTypes
, I define Script
that way, and change the definition of TxOut
TxOut = Pair Addr $ Pair Coin $ Pair (Maybe (Either Datum DataHash)) $ Maybe Script
and, inside {-# FOREIGN GHC ... #-}
type TxOut = (Addr, (Coin, (Maybe (Datum | DataHash), Maybe Script)))
then LedgerTypes
type-checks, but I get the following error when I try to type-check Evertying
No instance of type Convertible Script F.Script was found in scope.
when checking that txouts is a valid argument to a function of type
{A B : Set} ⦃ r : Convertible A B ⦄ → A → B
For the record, I'll re-post here some questions I asked on slack about issues that are blocking understanding/completion of the last task in this issue.
I'm trying to understand the inputHashes
definition in the UTXOW-inductive
rule (Fig. 6 in the Babbage spec pdf). The definition is as follows:
inputHashes := {h | (a, _ , h, _) ∈ range(utxo|spendInputs tx ) ∧ isTwoPhaseScriptAddress tx utxo a } − Datum
Since utxo : UTxO
is a map from TxIn
to TxOut
, the range of utxo|spendInputs tx
ought to be a set of TxOut
values, that is, a set of quadruples which inhabit the type
TxOut = Addr × Value × Maybe (Datum ⊎ DataHash) × Maybe Script
(note the third coordinate of the quadruple, h : Maybe (Datum ⊎ DataHash)
What is not clear is the "subtraction" of Datum in the definition of inputHashes
. In discussing this with James earlier today, we decided it's most likely a shorthand indicating that we only keep h
s of the form just (inj₂ d)
, where d : DataHash
; otherwise (when h
has the form nohting
or just (inj₁ d)
, with d : Datum
), we leave such h
out of inputHashes
seems to be defined in the UTxO-witG
rule in Alonzo in order to provide/check the condition inputHashes ⊆ dom(txdats)
, whereas in Babbage the analogous subset condition appears with a subscript on the ⊆
symbol---specifically, the subscript is {h | (_ , _ , h , _) ∈ allOuts tx ∪ utxo (refInputs tx)}
(see the screen grab below). What is meant by a subscript on the subset relation symbol?For the script type conversion for the Haskell foreign language interface, I tried the following
Convertible-Script : Convertible Script F.Script
Convertible-Script = λ where
.to _ → tt
.from tt → inj₁ tt
but Agda complains that ⊤ !=< Timelock
when checking that the expression tt
has type P1Script
... This is because, inside the ScriptStructure
record type are the lines
p1s : P1ScriptStructure
p1s = P1ScriptStructure-TL
open P1ScriptStructure p1s public
and P1ScriptSctructure-TL
is defined as follows:
P1ScriptStructure-TL : ⦃ Hashable Timelock ScriptHash ⦄ → P1ScriptStructure
P1ScriptStructure-TL = record
{ P1Script = Timelock
; validP1Script = evalTimelock }
so opening p1s
inside the ScriptStructure
record type has the effect of redefining P1Script
as an alias for Timelock
Question: what is Timelock
and why is P1Script
redefined as an alias for it?
I didn't know that we already partially instantiated scripts, so you'll need to match Timelock
to a Haskell type. I think you can do a dummy implementation for now, where you make it correspond to a unit type and map it to a dummy script such at RequireAllOf []
I'm not really sure if you can actually use Script = ⊤
which is why I suggested ⊥
. You can define a type that's equivalent to ⊥
in Haskell, it just has inhabitants anyway. But I wouldn't worry about that too much right now, just get the Agda side to work.
scripts are an alternative to Plutus scripts that are evaluated by the ledger itself. They are evaluated during 'phase 1' of transaction processing, which is why they are also called P1Script
(and Plutus P2Script
Since we have a few things in Conway that depend on Babbage, it makes sense to work on Babbage some time soon. This ticket is concerned with new Babbage transaction features, which almost entirely consist of modifying existing definitions.
There are a few additional subtleties which can be handled later as separate tasks (i.e. not as part of this ticket):
to includecollOuts
means adjusting the preservation of Value proof. Without this, it also makes sense to add the two new collateral features from the transaction body some other time.AbstractFunctions
.Specifically, the tasks for this ticket are implementing:
check at the bottom)Note that of those figures, only those changes that are either highlighted in yellow or required by something that is highlighted in yellow should be implemented.