IntersectMBO / govtool

🔩 GovTool and utilities monorepo.
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Repack the delegation components into Delegation pillar #986

Open MSzalowski opened 4 months ago

MSzalowski commented 4 months ago


In order to achieve the separation of concerns and to allow multiple teams to work across the sub-packages of the GovTool ecosystem. Repack all the delegation components into delegation pillar.


Repack the delegation module (components & logic) into the delegation pillar.


  1. Investigate and group components and modules responsible for Delegation.
  2. Under the govtool monorepo create pillar delegation (package named - govtool-delegation)
  3. Migrate delegation components into the pillar. a) During the migration - get rid of the shared logic (if possible) and replace it with the props. b) During the migration - get rid of the local state (if possible) in order to support SSR
  4. Handle compiling of ts code to support commonjs modules (using TSUP or just tsc at the beginning).
  5. Every component wallet logic should be extracted from the components itself and should be controlled by the wrapper wallet provider.
MSzalowski commented 3 months ago

To be done in a new scope