Specifications of network protocols and implementations of components running these protocols which support a family of Ouroboros Consesus protocols; the diffusion layer of the Cardano Node.
[ ] describe where the tests below are (maybe in Test.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator)
* The hard fork combinator transitioning from a mock ledger @A@ to a mock ledger @B@;
these mock ledgers are absolutely minimal ledgers: the only transaction supported
on the @A@ ledger is "initiate transition to @B@", and the @B@ ledger can only contain
blocks with a header only, no body at all.
[ ] describe where the tests below are:
* @HardForkBlock '[Byron, Shelley]@: the hard fork combinator instantiated with
the Byron and Shelley ledgers, running @PBFT@ before the transition and
@TPraos@ after.