Closed reeshavacharya closed 7 months ago
This error, {"message":"","type":"PlutusScriptError"}
- where does it come from?
Do you have any additional information about the error, e.g. logs or stack traces?
The error is produced while calculating execution units from Cardano-API here's the code for evaluating ex-units: here
The error is produced while calculating execution units from Cardano-API
When Plutus script evaluation fails Cardano.Api captures it as a ScriptExecutionError
ScriptErrorEvaluationFailed evalErr logs ->
[ "The Plutus script evaluation failed: " <> pretty evalErr
, "\nScript debugging logs: " <> mconcat (map (\t -> pretty $ t `Text.append` "\n") logs)
There isn't enough information in the error as it is presented in this ticket:
Cardano API's error embeds Plutus.EvaluationError
together with additional textual information:
ScriptErrorEvaluationFailed Plutus.EvaluationError [Text.Text]
I assume this information is lost somewhere between Cardano API and Kuber.
Without seeing the Plutus.EvaluationError
and without knowing the used plutus-ledger-api
version its impossible for Plutus developers to reason about the problem.
Please contact maintainers of these repositories for the details.
We logged the error:
{"message":"CodecError Deserialization : PlutusCoreLanguageNotAvailableError {sdeAffectedVersion = Version {_versionMajor = 1, _versionMinor = 1, _versionPatch = 0}, sdeThisPv = 9} : []","type":"PlutusScriptError"}
we are testing on sanchonet. the plutus-ledger-api version is cardano-api version is, cardano-node version is 8.8.1
One potential reason you are getting this error is that you are using either Plutus Language Version V1
or V2
, but the Plutus Core version 1.1.0 is only supported by the V3
(Different versions are explained here)
We have improved the error message in the plutus-ledger-api
@reeshavacharya please report back if you have fixed the problem so that we can close this issue. Thank you!
@Unisay i have not fixed it yet. but this issue can be closed.
I recently updated my project to plutus tag- for a minting contract, the validator is:
but while compiling the transaction, i get
trying to resolve this by using
in all the smart contract validators, i get the following error:Steps to reproduce the behavior
data MintRedeemer = FirstMint | FutureMint
PlutusTx.makeIsDataIndexed ''MintRedeemer [ ('FirstMint, 0), ('FutureMint, 1) ]
{-# INLINEABLE mkValidator #-} mkValidator :: MintScriptParameter -> MintRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool mkValidator parameter redeemer ctx = case redeemer of FirstMint -> True -- setting redeemer cases to True for "AlwaysPass" FutureMint -> True
{-# INLINEABLE mkWrappedValidator #-} mkWrappedValidator :: MintScriptParameter -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> () mkWrappedValidator parameter redeemer context = check $ mkValidator parameter (unsafeFromBuiltinData redeemer) (unsafeFromBuiltinData context)
mintTokenValidator parameter = $$(PlutusTx.compile [||mkWrappedValidator||])
PlutusTx.liftCode plcVersion100 parametermintingScript a = case mintTokenValidator a of Left _ -> error "Error Parsing MintingScript" Right compiledCode -> BS8.unpack $ parseToScript compiledCode where parseToScript :: CompiledCode a -> BS8.ByteString parseToScript compiledCode = Base16.encode $ fromShort $ serialiseCompiledCode compiledCode
{ "mint": [ { "script": { "cborHex": "58910101003222328001919192999ab9a3370e90000010c00054ccd5cd19b874800800860042c6aae78008d55ce8009baa002335122333335122002222800801c00a0022129002800922010850726f706f73616c0048810651756f72756d0033002489200d967444377dd05f4a5e9d9bfdf168b959bed43655635f8daa63a07f1bd2ff7c00480108a002005001109480140041", "description": "", "type": "PlutusScriptV2" }, "redeemer": { "constructor": 0, "fields": [] }, "amount": { "Token1": 1, "Token2": 1 } } ], "outputs": [ { "address": "addr_test1wq3zhud8la6u6ygmpu30at3vt8k3juathxxjujhklzapxtsj3lx7f", "value": "934d8750c215e0a05232c34cadf5dac5825d78f0820dd5178ab784f4.Token1", "datum": { "constructor": 0, "fields": [] } }, { "address": "addr_test1wq3zhud8la6u6ygmpu30at3vt8k3juathxxjujhklzapxtsj3lx7f", "value": "934d8750c215e0a05232c34cadf5dac5825d78f0820dd5178ab784f4.Token2", "datum": { "constructor": 0, "fields": [] } } ] }
-- Custom repository for cardano haskell packages, see CONTRIBUTING for more repository cardano-haskell-packages url: secure: True root-keys: 3e0cce471cf09815f930210f7827266fd09045445d65923e6d0238a6cd15126f 443abb7fb497a134c343faf52f0b659bd7999bc06b7f63fa76dc99d631f9bea1 a86a1f6ce86c449c46666bda44268677abf29b5b2d2eb5ec7af903ec2f117a82 bcec67e8e99cabfa7764d75ad9b158d72bfacf70ca1d0ec8bc6b4406d1bf8413 c00aae8461a256275598500ea0e187588c35a5d5d7454fb57eac18d9edb86a56 d4a35cd3121aa00d18544bb0ac01c3e1691d618f462c46129271bccf39f7e8ee
-- See CONTRIBUTING for information about these, including some Nix commands -- you need to run if you change them index-state: , 2024-03-20T14:55:30Z , cardano-haskell-packages 2024-03-20T14:22:58Z
... Package Descriptions
-- You never, ever, want this. write-ghc-environment-files: never
-- Always build tests and benchmarks. tests: True benchmarks: False
source-repository-package type: git location: tag: 0bfea4fea31eb20ce9fbc33cfe9907f92a11e5f1
constraints: hedgehog >= 1.0 , bimap >= 0.4.0 , libsystemd-journal >= 1.4.4 , systemd >= 2.3.0 -- systemd-2.3.0 requires at least network but it doesn't declare -- that dependency , network >= , HSOpenSSL >=
package snap-server flags: +openssl
package comonad flags: -test-doctests
allow-newer: *:aeson, monoidal-containers:aeson, size-based:template-haskell